Welcome to Year 3
Topics in Year 3 The Stone Age Ancient Egypt Circus The Potteries
Visits Miss Dobson and Mrs Ashton just love a visit! Look out for more exciting letters about the planned visits this year.
Adventure Story Poetry Explanation text Recount Instructions Fable English will be linked with our topics, as well as covering the different genres of writing, such as: Adventure Story Poetry Explanation text Recount Instructions Fable Biography Persuasion Letter to name but a few!
Our main texts
Reading at home is vital. Children will be individually heard to read at least once a fortnight. Independence is promoted through self book changing. Your child will also take part in a Guided reading session at least once a week.
Your child will develop a variety of strategies in mental and written maths, counting and partitioning, shape, measures, place value, handling data and problem solving. We always begin by using a range of resources to help.
We will be covering a range of units; Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Money Statistics Length and perimeter Fractions Time Shapes Mass and capacity
Homework is set on a Friday Homework is set on a Friday. Children will then be tested on their times tables and spellings the following Friday. Set Menu: - timetables (3s, 4s and 8s) - Chanting in the car, walking home. spellings and - daily reading – just a couple of pages followed by a discussion about what has been read. - spellings- linked to the end of year common exception word list and spelling patterns being taught in school. Spellings will be tested each week.
Homework menu We will encourage your child to complete as many of the activities from the menu as they like at home, but NO LESS than 3 over the half term, This can be recorded (if appropriate) in our homework books. We will ask for homework books to be in during the last week of each half term in order for us to share and celebrate this learning.
What you can do to support your child? Support them with their homework. Talk to your child about their learning. Listen to them, read on a regular basis and sign their diary. Encourage your child to be a little more independent. Share a positive attitude to the experiences and opportunities that your child has. Promote a growth mindset! Yet… Encourage them to practise TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.
Volunteers needed. The PTA are always after more parents to join. They help to organise many important events throughout the year, such as, school discos and the summer fayre. We would appreciate volunteers who could help us with numerous tasks within the school, such as, photocopying, hearing children read, helping during visits etc. Please note: You can’t help in the same class as your child.
Assessment in Year 3
Assessment is ongoing throughout the year in all subject areas. Teachers will set specific targets. Termly reports. There will be three formal meetings throughout the year to discuss your child’s progress and targets. Drop-ins: Class 3R- Every Thursday 3.15-4.00pm
Intervention You may hear your child mention they have had some intervention. This sounds very formal. Please do not be alarmed. Intervention may take place to extend children as well as support them. Or we may even just need to tackle an individual issue with your child- it does not mean we have a big issue. Our curriculum is just very personalised.
Intervention Classroom based This takes place during every lesson. All staff in the classrooms are constantly assessing the learning taking place. If children are struggling with a concept then they will have additional carpet or adult input, or a change of activity to complete. Additional sessions may also occur during the day to ensure the children are fully prepared to move on with the learning on the next day.
Intervention Catch up Teachers plan for this intervention in order to ‘plug gaps’ in learning. If a child has missed lessons or not grasped a concept. These sessions take place outside of the lessons. Parents will not be informed of these sessions as they are part of everyday practice.
Intervention Formal Intervention These sessions are for children that have been identified as falling behind their peers. These sessions will take place at least weekly for 6 week period and then reviewed. They may be run by a variety of staff rather than your child’s class teacher. There may be a formal intervention programme involved and parents will be informed as there may be extra tasks to be completed at home to support the learning.
Checklist PE is on a Monday. Home School Communication Folder sent in daily. Weekly spellings and times table homework is given out on a Friday. Drop-ins is on a Thursday 3.15-4.00pm Make sure you have returned the Contact form and Permission form that has been sent out.
Thank you for listening Any questions or concerns? Please feel free to speak to any member of the Year 3 team (Miss Dobson or Mrs Ashton). Come to the drop in, leave a message at the door, phone or email the office. We are here to help and we all want the best for the children.