Curriculum Night 7th & 8th Grade Academic Improvement - Mathematics Ms. Bottomley
Materials Students must bring the following to class on a daily basis. Pencils (sharpened before class begins) Red or blue pens for grading Spiral devoted only to math Folder devoted only to math Loose leaf paper Calculator Daily planner/assignment notebook Positive attitude
Resources: Momentum Math consumable workbook NWEA – benchmark AimsWeb – progress monitor Supplementary Materials as needed
In-Class Work: Doing in-class work is essential to learning mathematical concepts. It gives students the opportunity to work independently, as well as reinforce and extend previously learned skills. In-class work will be assigned daily. No homework will be given. All work must be shown and completed in PENCIL only (unless otherwise directed). In-class work is graded for accuracy and/or completion. Failure to complete assignments will be reflected in your grade.
Assessments: Formative: Designed to help students improve learning through verbal and written feedback. Student strengths and weaknesses are identified to determine the next steps during the learning process. These assessments include, but are not limited to, homework, in-class work, practice problems, or quizzes to check for understanding. Summative: Provides evidence of a student’s mastery of skills. These assessments include, but are not limited to, quizzes to show mastery, tests, final project, presentation, end of unit portfolio.
Web Site: Students and parents may access my web site through the district at This site will have updated information about classes as well as daily assignments in my homework page. Also available on this site are links to the available resources of the textbook. In addition, I have also included useful websites that will help students that are not understanding a concept. Some of these sites will also reinforce concepts
Contact Information: You may contact me via e-mail at or at 815-469-4330. (The best way to contact me will be by e-mail)
We are looking forward to a great school year!