Year 11 & 12 Maths from a students’ viewpoint Bernie Wills
If we believe this then what will our students think
No one expects Maths to change All change is disruptive – make sure it is worthwhile
How are the children doing? The difference between a beginning teacher and an experienced one is that the beginning teacher asks, How am I doing? and the experienced teacher asks, How are the children doing? Esme Raji Codell
Don’t ask for feedback if you can’t or won’t change anything Do ask for feedback Don’t ask for feedback if you can’t or won’t change anything Asked students what their ideal classroom would look like – surprised when they got some of it
Social Emotional Survey Term 1 - end of term survey Term 3 - end of term survey Every period discussion
Social-Emotional survey
Social-Emotional survey
Social-Emotional survey
End of Term 1 survey Result of first assessment - 18% better than expected 16% worse than expected 11% did a resit 72% now felt better or much better about the course than at the start Writing own assessment - 69% felt better or much better now
End of Term 3 survey
Student written Report comments
I found maths this year to be a lot more engaging and productive than previous years, which is shown in my high grades. I found managing myself and my own learning to make maths much easier, as I find concepts difficult to understand when there is a teacher talking at the front of the class. The statistics side of maths this year was easy and I have done particularly well in it, with an excellence in the Bivariate Data internal, and I am confident that I will get another excellence in the Chance and Date external. I have changed my mind about algebra this year as well, and I now find it to be actually quite enjoyable. The class is quit and easy to focus in, and it is easy to come in and get focused and productive fast. My time management could be better next year, as I spent a bit too long on Bivariate Data. It is good to do maths on my own and that i don't have to way until others are finished. Maths was easy so far and i like it I try my best to get as much work done as I can every lesson. I stay quiet and focus on my work as to not desterb others. I think I did well in 1.7 and 1.4, I enjoy doing Pythagoras and linear algabra. I feel like I struggle a bit to ask for help and struggle with 1.2 a little.
Im pretty motivated to get stuff done in Maths only time I get distracted is when I have to wait long periods of time for the teachers help because of how big our classes are or if there is a technical difficulty with the online videos. Think ive done pretty well only got Merits and Excellences I prefer the old style of teaching when the teacher would direct you on the things to do and assist you and set deadlines for when things need to be done I have not been very motivated in class, as the MAT123 style of learning at our own pace has allowed me to procrastinate to the extreme, and not work to my full ability or have the drive/motivation in class. I found most of the actual math to be at the level I expected, with Bivariate data being easy and quick once I stopped procrastinating. I have achieved better than I expected, with Merit in 1.12 and 1.11, and Achieved 1.4 I am not going to take MAT123 next year. I will work on my level of attention and motivation in this subject, which is my least liked class.
This year I have struggled with managing my self and in the very beginning of the year I felt really confused and lost with what I should and how I was going to do so. Through out the year I have managed to become slightly better but still found my self being super stressed out with when things needed to be done. Even though I found it hard I have also enjoyed small parts of maths when I was able to be efficient and manage myself. I felt really good about my 1.12 standard which I was able to finish really quickly in time for the derived grade exams and not stress too much about it. As this was my first year of NCEA I found it to be a struggle and a step up from year ten. In year ten I had a teacher fully teaching the whole class and there for had more help from the teacher to this year i had to basically Teach myself. I have noticed I have felt less confident with maths and have found it more challenging. Nec t year I will continue to try to improve how I manage myself with time but I would also appreciate more guidance from the school. Something that would really help me at the start of the year would be a hard copy of a calander that I could write on and more suggestions and tips from the teacher making smaller deadlines within each topic.