Perineurial glia respond to rostral motor nerve injury. Perineurial glia respond to rostral motor nerve injury. Frames captured from a 3 h time-lapse movie of a 6 dpf nkx2.2a:gfp;olig2:dsred larva beginning at 1 mpt with dorsal to the top and anterior to the left. mpt is indicated in bottom right corner of each image. A, Perineurial glia respond to rostral spinal motor nerve root transection by extending processes into the injury site, forming vesicles (insets and arrowheads), and bridging the injury gap (bracket). B, Graphical representation of the time it took perineurial glia to bridge the injury gap plotted against the initial injury size. C, D, Perineurial glial membranes are stable in both (C) the absence of injury and (D) after injury to tissue adjacent to the nerve. Dotted ellipse indicates ablated ROI. Scale bars, 10 μm. Gwendolyn M. Lewis, and Sarah Kucenas J. Neurosci. 2014;34:12762-12777 ©2014 by Society for Neuroscience