Slide 1- Click once and tell sts that recognizing and understanding how sentences and ideas are linked throughout a passage will help their comprehension of the passage. Add they will look into the skills needed in order to make these connections. Slide 2- Click and tell sts that instead of repeating the same words over and over, writers use pronouns and short phrases to refer to these words. These pronouns and short phrases are called referents. Click again to show the definition of referents. Click a third time to show the example. Have sts read the sentence. Click two more times and tell sts that the pronoun them refers to the children and he to Tom, for instance.
Slide 3- Click and tell sts that recognizing and understanding transitional expressions will help them follow the flow and organization of ideas in the reading passages of the test. Click again to show the definition of transitional expressions. Click a third time to show examples of transitional words. Tell sts they have that same list on page 165 of their books. Slide 4- Click and tell sts that one of the question types that they will encounter on the TOEFL test requires them to insert a sentence in the correct place in a passage. Add that referents, connecting words and surrounding words can help them identify where the sentence fits best. The sentence can be one of the following types they will discuss now. Click again to show the sentences and types. In pairs, have sts match them. Click a third time to check answers.