McClure open house 2019-2020 Homeroom information
Purpose of homeroom Homeroom serves as a home base for students when they arrive in the morning. In homeroom students say the pledge, listen to morning announcements, and get organized for the day. It is important that students arrive in homeroom on time and come prepared with all of their books and other supplies. If students arrive late, they need to come into the Attendance Office for a late pass. Students need to be in Homeroom by 9:10 and are marked tardy at the 9:15 bell.
Study hall Students are not allowed in the building before 8:15 unless it is for a specific appointment such as band practice or scheduled tutoring. A teacher will meet them at the front door. Study hall opens in the theater at 8:15am. This is a supervised area before school. Students need to bring a book to read or use this time to review schoolwork.
breakfast Students may buy breakfast in the cafeteria from 8:50 to 9:05. If students enter after 9:05- they will still be permitted to eat and given a pass to class if needed. Chick-fil-A biscuits are sold on Wednesday mornings for $3. Frozen yogurt is sold in the school store on Friday mornings for $3.
Career Day Career Day is an annual 8th grade event. We are looking for parent volunteers to speak to our students about their careers on Career Day, November 19, 2019. We will be providing morning and afternoon sessions for speakers. If you are interested please write your information and availability on the handout provided in homeroom tonight. Contact Wendy Sherer with any questions.
Lockers All students issued a locker when they returned their paperwork from the beginning of the year. Lockers breaks during homeroom, after 3rd period, and after 6th period. Students should not share their locker combinations with anyone. Students are not permitted to carry bookbags or large bags/purses during the school day. String bags and purses are permitted.
agenda All students issued an agenda at the beginning of the school year. Students must have their agenda with them at all times. Used for hall passes and restroom passes. Students should use their agenda to keep track of assignments and due dates. Replacement cost is $7.
Communication Letters and information from school will be sent home on Wednesdays. Maverick Minute email is sent on Wednesdays.
BYOD (Bring your own device) policy Students should keep their devices (phones, tablets, etc.) powered off and in their lockers as often as possible. Students may only use their devices during class time when a teacher has indicated that it is appropriate. Not in the hallway, cafeteria, or other common areas. This includes earbuds or any kind of headphones. Students may receive BYOD infractions, and those are documented on a sticker in their agenda.
Student attendance Tardy – Any student that arrives at 9:15 or later is considered tardy. Absences – Excused absences include: Personal illness , Death or serious illness in immediate family , Recognized religious holidays or absence Mandated by order of government agency Absence Notes - from the parent/guardian explaining a (an) absence(s) must be given to the attendance office when the student returns to school. Failure to submit a note within three (3) days of an absence will result in the absence being marked unexcused. Early Dismissal – To minimize classroom interruptions, we ask that students bring a signed note from a parent. Students will take their note to the attendance office during homeroom to get an early dismissal pass. They will then give the Early Dismissal pass to the teacher whose class they will be dismissing from. Students will come to the office at their scheduled time. All parents that are picking their child up early will be required to show a Photo ID. We cannot accommodate early dismissals after 3:45 After 3:45, parents will need to wait in the carline. Afternoon Dismissal - All students should be picked up no later than 4:45. There is no supervision for students after school.
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support School-wide behavior plan Based on a behavior matrix/expectations Students receive “points” and “minor referrals”, which can be viewed on the app.
PBIS Parent App Here is an example of the app that you can download from Google Play or the Apple App store. You will need to scan the QR code on the PBIS Parent App Letter you receive in Homeroom tonight.
Schedule for open house If your students have Mrs. Grotke for math, please note that it is upstairs. Use the back staircase for quickest access!