Forest and water Managing our natural capital Nihat Zal and Annemarie Bastrup-Birk Forest and water Managing our natural capital
Recognising the interlinkages forests-water SDGs recognising the links and the role of the management of both forests and water ecosystems
Some relevant EU policies The EU Forest Strategy 2014-2020, CAP The Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources (2012) Biodiversity Strategy and ecosystem services (MAES) Land use land use changes and forestry (LULUCF) EU Forest strategy and the CAP: Specific measures regarding water and forests e.g. maintenance of water resources and water quality; Riparian zone management for water purification and natural water retention Blue Print to safeguard…: natural water retention measures also linked to climate change impacts and green infrastructure BD Strategy including MAES: not only within ecosystems and sectors but cross-cutting e.g. water purification, flood regulation, soil protection LULUCF Impacts of land use/land cover change in forests on climate adaptation (evapotranspiration, precipitation and water loss)
Other relevant forest-water interactions: Forests and water quality: Water provisioning services of forests, forests and natural water retention, water purification Forests, flood control, drought and fire risks (erosion, sediment control, natural water retention measures) Forests and groundwater (impacts of land use/land cover change, erosion on groundwater recharge) Socio-economics: benefits and impacts
Knowledge needs Synergies: forest management at landscape level and water ecosystem services: water provision, soil erosion control, flood reduction, groundwater recharge Trade-offs: forests counter-productive to water needs Spatial and temporal aspects of interactions / regional aspects
Data, information and future approaches COPERNICUS layers (HRL and VHR, Sentinels) EEA Water accounts database FISE: forest area statistics and maps e.g. by forest types, elevation, biogeographical regions, … WISE SoE water quantity and WISE SoE water quality Metorological data Spatial data - Ecrins (potentially EU Hydro) INTEGRATED ASSESSMENTS, ECOSYSTEM BASED MANAGEMENT, LANDSCAPE-APPROACH TO RECONCILE AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND OTHER LAND USES