Belarus - Thailand Opportunity on the Silk Road
Belarusian Economy GDP growth 2.4% Industrial production increase 6.1% Labor productivity increase 3.6%
Belarus share in the world production 17% of combine harvesters 30% of heavy duty dump trucks 19% of potash production 5% of world exports of dairy products
International rankings of Belarus No. 38 in Doing Business 2018 No. 32 in the report “Measuring the information Society” Minsk one of the top 10 most promising cities for foreign investors in Europe according to fDI intelligence.
Eurasian Economic Union
EAEU Investment Incentives Access to the common large market of goods and services Single customs territory Tariff preferences for manufacturing equipment import Vietnam the first country to sign FTA with EAEU More than 40 countries expressed interest in signing FTAs with EAEU
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