Transmission service (approved tariffs) (approved tariffs) Variation


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Presentation transcript:

The trends of the approved tariffs during October 2016 – September 2019 Transmission service 2016-2017 (approved tariffs) 2017-2018 (approved tariffs) Variation 2018-2019 (estimated tariffs) 1 2 3 4 = 3/2 % 5 6 = 5/3 % The tariff for the firm/interruptible annual capacity booking products in the group of NTS entry points 1,84 1,76 -0,04% 1,68 -4,55% The tariff for the firm/interruptible annual capacity booking products in the group of NTS exit points 1,81 1,74 1,63 -6,32% The tariff for the gas volume transmitted only thorough the NTS 4,31 3,20 -0,26% 2,72 -15,00% The tariff for the gas volume transmitted to the distribution systems 3,56 2,45 -0,31% 1,97 -19,59%