Be ready for September
Uniform: What YOU should look like…… CCTL
Footwear Footwear must be smart black shoes (that you would wear for an interview). If you arrive at College without correct uniform please tell the staff on the gate and you will be loaned the item to wear for the day. CCTL
Trousers & Skirts Plain black smart trousers with a waistband and a zip are permitted. Denim or leggings are not permitted. Skirts if worn need to be close to the knee in length and plain black. An optional plain black belt may be worn. CCTL
Uniform will be lent if you arrive with it incorrect Specialist Support CCTL
Behaving and Learning The Minsthorpe Way RME
Students learn best in classrooms, which are calm, safe and orderly Students learn best in classrooms, which are calm, safe and orderly. It is unacceptable for a student to disrupt the learning of others. BE FAIR – Learn & Behave the Minsthorpe Way! RME
. Return resources to the directed location. Silently enter the room. If late, apologise and sit down silently. Pencil case / planner on your desk immediately. First time: Listen… Write… Read… Heads down working quietly / silently. Face forward Silence when others are talking. Wait to be asked to speak. Pens down Eyes forward Sit properly Return resources to the directed location. . Silently stand behind your chair. Once the teacher dismisses you, silently leave the room. Silently enter the room. . Silently stand behind your chair. Answer your name politely and sit down properly.
Be equipped for learning You need to show commitment to your learning by arriving at College every day with the correct equipment. All students need a bag, their planner, a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a scientific calculator and a reading book. Your P&A mentor will be checking every morning in P&A Time that you have everything you need and will lend you a pen or a pencil for that day. The Year Office will give you a spare planner page if you forget your planner. Missing equipment in a lesson = 1 behaviour point Equipment not returned to your P&A mentor = 1 behaviour point 3 behaviour points = 30 minute detention RME
Snack Break 1 & 2 Arrangements SB1 Year 7 – Main Hall Year 8 –KS3 Dining Hall (Humanities side) Year 9 – KS3 Dining Hall (Specialist Support side) Year 10 –Carnegie Year 11 – Carnegie SB2 12.20 – 12.35 Year 7 – KS3 Dining Hall (both sides) 12.35 – 12.50 Year 8 –KS3 Dining Hall (Humanities side) 12.35 – 12.50 Year 9 – KS3 Dining Hall (Specialist Support side) Year 10 –Carnegie Year 11 – Carnegie All Year Groups - Sandwiches in the Main Hall CCTL
Snack break 2 social times you must stay within your designated area. Year 7 – Main hall, behind Science, library, Astroturf on year 7 days. Year 8 - Main hall, Maths quad, library, Astroturf on year 8 days. Year 9 - Main hall, English quad, library, Astroturf on year 9 days. Year 10 & 11 – Main hall, Carnegie quad, library, Astroturf on year 10 & 11 days CCTL
Move on the warning bell. Do not congregate outside blocks. You must stay in your designated areas do not congregate on walk ways or in any other areas such as the basketball courts or the front of science block. Carnegie Quad YEAR 10 & 11 English YEAR 9 Maths YEAR 8 Science YEAR 7 CCTL Move on the warning bell.
Behaviour at Snack Breaks If you do not follow ‘Behaving & Learning the Minsthorpe Way’ and stay in your designated areas during Snack Breaks you will be placed into detention with Miss Milnes. You will have detention the following day during your snack break. You will be collected from P4 taken for your lunch then escorted by Miss Milnes to your detention. CCTL
Toilets SO DON’T ASK IN THE FIRST PLACE! Starting from September you will only be allowed to leave lessons once a day from lessons. You will need to have your planner so that the teacher can write into it a time and date of when you have gone. If you ask again the same day the teacher will see that you have been and therefore will refuse you. SO DON’T ASK IN THE FIRST PLACE! Toilets should be used before school, at snack breaks and after school if needed. The College has accessible & gender neutral toilets. CCTL