How Can You Tell if a French Noun is Masculine or Feminine? YouTube: Ask a French Teacher - How Can I Tell if a Noun is Masculine or Feminine? Flip Notes How Can You Tell if a French Noun is Masculine or Feminine? Watch the video posted on the French blog and complete the notes that follow.
Every noun has a ______________________.
The gender of a noun depends on its origin in the older ______________________ word.
Does English have masculine and feminine nouns. Oui Does English have masculine and feminine nouns? Oui Non The easiest way to tell the gender of French nouns is by ______________________________.
1. The general rule is that if a noun ends with an ______________ it is feminine. 1. Nouns that end with any other letter are usually _____________________
1. Unfortunately, there are LOTS of ______________. 2 1. Unfortunately, there are LOTS of ______________! 2. Because there are so many __________________ to the general pattern, it is best to learn _________________ and their _______________ together.
1. Le and La are like the article _________ in English. 2 1. Le and La are like the article _________ in English. 2. Un and une are similar to the English _________.
1. A few other letter patterns sometimes apply to the gender rules in French. Some masculine endings are: ________ __________ ________ ________
1. A few other letter patterns apply to the gender rules in French 1. A few other letter patterns apply to the gender rules in French. Some feminine patterns are: __________ __________ _____ ___________
1. It is important to remember what gender a noun is because sometimes it __________________________________________. 2. Adjectives change their spelling according to __________________________________________.
Here are some other common gender patterns Here are some other common gender patterns. Remember, there are exceptions to almost all of the rules in French!!! MASCULINE -ège -aire -ème -er -eur -ier -et -in -on -o -s FEMININE -e -elle, -enne, -emme, -esse, -erre, -ette -ale -cé -be -fe -ace -tion -ence, -ance -té -ade -ée, -erie, -ère -ique, -ine and -ise -ure and -rice
What is the gender of the following nouns What is the gender of the following nouns? Write “m” for masculine and “f” for feminine. Be careful because some of these nouns do not follow the general rules! 1. fille __________ 2. ami __________ 3. amie __________ 4. ordinateur __________ 5. école __________ 6. danseuse __________ 7. leçon __________ 8. bureau __________ 9. conversation __________ 10. examen __________ 11. crayon __________ 12. personne __________ 13. élève __________ 14. homme __________ 15. professeur __________ 16. problème __________ 17. action __________ 18. jour __________ 19. septembre __________ 20. lundi __________