New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program Direct Install for Small to Medium Sized Buildings New Jersey' Clean Energy Program includes a number of initiatives designed to lower the cost of installing energy efficiency measures in commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities.
Direct Install Program Background Introduced in 2010 Funded from Societal Benefits Charge on utility bill Administered by the New Jersey Clean Energy Program Provides energy efficiency funding opportunities for: Small to Medium sized businesses Local government entities Nonprofit organizations Over 8,664 businesses have received funding Approximately $196 MILLION in incentives paid! The Clean Energy Program promotes increased energy efficiency and the use of clean, renewable sources of energy including solar, wind, geothermal, and sustainable biomass. The results for New Jersey are a stronger economy, less pollution, lower energy costs, and reduced demand for electricity.
NJ Direct Install Program pays up to 70% for LED Lighting & High Efficiency HVAC Schools, municipalities, and UEZs are eligible for up to 80% Not a rebate, you pay only the customer portion No-cost energy audit included We take care of everything from permits to recycling LEDs save over 50% on lighting energy costs Direct Install is a turnkey program designed to address the needs of smaller facilities. Approved contractors perform energy assessments, identify cost-effective energy efficiency improvements and install the measures. Customers pay only 30% of the project cost and the program pays the remaining 70%.
Princeton Orthopaedic Associates 24,000 sq. ft. Medical Office Building Lighting/HVAC Upgrade Interior/Exterior LED lighting New Fixtures New High Efficiency RTUs Dual Enthalpy & Electronic Fuel-Use Economizers Programmable Thermostats Low-Flow Aerators Total Project Cost $130,042 Direct Install Incentive $91,029 (70%) Customer Share of Cost $39,012 (30%) Annual Savings 115,513 kWh $17,241 Payback Period - 27 months
The DI Program is open to: All eligible commercial and industrial customers whose average demand did not exceed 200 kW in any of the preceding twelve months Have their gas or electricity provided by one of New Jersey’s Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs), and Pay into the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC). Direct Install is a turnkey program designed to address the needs of smaller facilities. Approved contractors perform energy assessments, identify cost-effective energy efficiency improvements and install the measures. Customers pay only 30% of the project cost and the program pays the remaining 70%.
Direct Install Steps Contact Tri-State Light & Energy Send in application and qualifying bills Schedule audit Review results Approve project and accept funding Pay deposit & confirm installation Enjoy your upgraded equipment and utility savings Direct Install is a turnkey program designed to address the needs of smaller facilities. Approved contractors perform energy assessments, identify cost-effective energy efficiency improvements and install the measures. Customers pay only 30% of the project cost and the program pays the remaining 70%.
NJ DIRECT INSTALL WHY WOULDN’T YOU? Sandra Torres Director of Outreach Tri-State Light & Energy, Inc. 610.789.1900