YOUR TITLE HERE FIRSTNAME LASTNAME #TABUDAG2018 UNIVERSITY OR INSTITUTION COUNTRY Please fill in the title of your poster, your complete name, your university and/or institution, including its country. ………………………………................................................................................................................................... #TABUDAG2018
FIRSTNAME LASTNAME TITLE ………………………………................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... YOUR TEXT/IMAGES HERE You may use this slide to introduce the topic of your research and/or your research question(s). Don’t forget to delete me! ☺ You may use this slide to introduce the topic of your research and/or your research question(s).
FIRSTNAME LASTNAME TITLE ................................................................................................................................... ………………………………................................................................................................................................... YOUR TEXT/IMAGES HERE You may use this slide to introduce some general methodology (e.g. paradigm), however, we highly discourage you from presenting any detailed methodology (e.g. number of participants) or any results of your experiment(s). The poster pitch is meant to introduce your research and to make the audience interested in your work. When you have convinced them to come to your poster, you can talk about details and results! Don’t forget to delete me! ☺ You may use this slide to introduce some general methodology (e.g. paradigm), however, we highly discourage you from presenting any detailed methodology (e.g. number of participants) or any results of your experiment(s). The poster pitch is meant to introduce your research and to make the audience interested in your work. When you have convinced them to come to your poster, you can talk about details and results!