History 10: How to Think About History Unit 6: The Age of Absolute Monarchs
Events are the products of other events Causation Events are the products of other events Absolute monarchs were the product of a weakening of feudalism
Change is ongoing and ever present As feudalism weakened the strength of monarchies grew Power centered upon a single person (king or queen) made it later possible for nation-states to develop
Continuity connects different historical periods and developments Absolute monarchs justified their unlimited power by appealing to the so-called “Divine Right of Kings” They asserted God decided who would be ruler The power enjoyed by absolute monarchs was similar to the power enjoyed by Roman emperors
History is not a science but a perspective or story Perspectives & Biases History is not a science but a perspective or story Bishop Bossuet, tutor to Louis XIV’s son, defended the idea of absolute monarchy with these words: “The royal throne is not the throne of a man, but the throne of God himself” People create myths to justify (defend) why they have the governments they do