CIS - Project 2.4 Transitional and Coastal Waters


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Presentation transcript:

CIS - Project 2.4 Transitional and Coastal Waters Claire Vincent Environment and Heritage Service United Kingdom

Introduction Matters arising Update from the Commission Article 21 (formalising guidance) Water bodies Update from the Commission Overview of progress to date Timescale and methods for further work Structure for Stockholm workshop

Matters arising Article 21 - Status of this Guidance

Update from the Commission ECOSTAT Cluster 2.3 REFCOND - 2.4 COAST - 2.5 INTERCALIBRATION cross-cutting issues (defining high status, boundaries between high, good and moderate etc.) Format of Guidance Communication strategy Tasks from the Commission

Communication Strategy Short term actions (now) brochure, leaflet, e-newsletter Mid term actions (later 2002) web site for guidance documents, information kit, material for Johannesburg summit, assistance with workshops etc. Long term actions (2003) material for events to promote guidance etc

Tasks from the Commission Plans for ‘Life after guidance’ Guidance on assigning coastal waters to River Basin Districts

Overview of Progress WP1 - Common Understanding Key issue - water bodies definition Proposal CUT leads input to Commission paper on behalf of Working Group and update guidance to reflect new paper assigning coastal waters to River Basin Districts examine in workshop session. Lead WP1 - Germany and United Kingdom

Overview of Progress - WP2 Typology Hierarchical approach Mandatory factors lat, long tidal range salinity Venice Optional factors exposure depth the others Lead WP2 - Germany

Typology Lead WP2 Germany

WP3. Reference Conditions Initiated pilot studies - 7 received so far high status sites ‘best of type’ sites - may not be of high status Lead WP3 - United Kingdom

Denmark Randers Fjord

Mira Estuary Portugal Ria Formosa

Norway North Sea Skagerrak Open Rocky Coast

United Kingdom Strangford Lough Loch Creran Loch Ardbhair

WP3. Reference Conditions - Key issues ‘very minor disturbance’ the relationship between ecologically high status and supporting physico-chemical status (synthetic pollutants - below LOD) Are there any high status sites in Europe? ‘other significant pressures’ - trawling - impact on benthic communities - good and moderate status Lead WP3 - United Kingdom

WP4. Classification Schemes Collating information on existing schemes biological classification tools from national schemes from the Conventions Identify tools which are WFD compliant to be included in guidance Lead WP4 - EEA/WTC

Timescale Stylise Further edits SCG & WD WD Meeting 2-3 May 10-12 June 3rd Working Group Meeting WD Meeting Steering Group Meeting Steering Group Meeting 2-3 May 10-12 June 27-28 June ?? Sept 30 Sept

During the meeting….. Are you content with the proposed arrangements for finalising the guidance? While we are discussing tools have some thoughts about ‘life after guidance’. Are there other issues you want to raise…..

Key Objectives of this Workshop Finalise CUT, Typology and Reference Condition papers clearing outstanding issues Identify classification tools for further testing Make clear statements/prepare options papers about defining class boundaries between high / good / moderate Outline any future role for 2.4

Workshop Groups Fish / Physico chemical - Franck Plants / Nutrients - Kari Benthos -

Pragmatism Sensible Practical Realistic Logical Systematic Orderly

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