Health states and movement between health states in Markov model. Health states and movement between health states in Markov model. The model starts with all women in either the ‘not abused’ state or one of the states associated with abuse, based on the prevalence of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) (see text). Women in the ‘not abused’ state could stay in this state, move to ‘abused but not identified’ or die from any cause. Once women were in the ‘abused but not unidentified’ state, they could stay in that state, move back to ‘not abused’, move to ‘abused and identified, seeing advocate’ or ‘abused and identified, not seeing advocate’ or die. Women in the ‘abused and identified’ states could stay in these states, move back to ‘not abused’ or die. Estela Capelas Barbosa et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021256 ©2018 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group