Alternative Week: A New Way of Teaching February 5th – 11th 2017 (Scientific and Classical Lycèe); February 20th - 25th (Art Lycèe, IPAA, Dental School): it is the beginning of the alternative week. This activity was organised by the School Students’ Representatives, and by the teachers of the various complexes of IIS LS Piccolo of Capo d’Orlando, avantgarde school for inclusion and intergration, leaded by the Headmistress, Mrs Giardina Margherita. The initiative aimed at “letting fantasy have free reign”, and “experiencing thought” as new valuable and efficient methods of teaching, as a way of diffusing the students’ abilities to the external world, thus increasing the cultural, civil and ethical maturity of the school users.
Here follows a list of the laboratories carried out by the students: Creation and Reusing Lab Handicraft Lab Art for art’s Sake Lab Cinema and Drama Lab Pic Lab (“Futurism” and “Street Art” topics) Film Club Lab Music Lab Protection of Landscape and Environment Welcoming Activities Immigration, Integration and Inclusion Archaeology Studies
Flowerbed Decor IPAA complex of IIS LS Piccolo of Capo d’ Orlando Among the various activities of the alternative week included in the project of respecting the environment, there is “Beautiful”, the work carried out by the students of second and fifth class of IPAA. They dedicated their time to improving and beautifying the green areas of the School, thus linking art, agriculture, geometry, design, recycling with a precious and genuine touch of fantasy. This is the real example of a good school….
Dental Technology Dental School complex of IIS LS Piccolo of Capo d’ Orlando Artistic Modification, with “Marble” Technique Paper, realized in the first classes, and Manipulations with Graphic Program, realized in the second classes. It was a great and gratifying experience to put learning into practice, facing the present and building the future…This was and will always be the real goal of every school project!
Scientific, Classical, Sport, Applied Science and Linguistic Lycèe
The perfect management of the week was possible thanks to a continuous collaboration between the Headmistress, the students and the teachers, in organizing events, debates and meetings on different cultural and scientific topics. All the main school location were used: the Great Room for conferences to the fifth classes; the school gym for the conferences to the first and second classes, Math, Physic and Interactive Laboratories for experiments and researches, for discussions and cinema activities.
Of great interest the cultural conference about Sicily held in the Great Room by the Archaeology expert, Professor Calogero Prestileo, and the seminary on Immigration and Integration held by Doctor Federico Miragliotta, expert of Migration Policies and ex Director of the Migration Shelter of Lampedusa.
Universal and out of time link between generations and ages has always been Music. Our School has an Orchestra that “plays” alive music and alive roles for various musical instruments and for multiple intelligences… unique transposition of learning and knowledge in unforgettable melody.
“For all the students of Our IIS LS Piccolo, the alternative week was a full immersion time to make all the ideas and works we had in mind. No difficult, neither hard: it was enough to invent, project, plan, recycle, to get all the necessary stuff and…go on with colors, pencils, scissors, glue, paint brushes…musical instruments, Math tools, Archaeology books, experimental methods, Physic lessons… that’s it! Culture rising from learning! Simply thanks to the teachers who everyday guide us, who help us believe in ourselves and be conscientiously self-made. We had a lot of fun and we got a lot of knowledge”. The students’ representatives of IIS LS Piccolo, Capo d’ Orlando. Activities realized by the students and teachers of Art School, IPAA, Dental School, Scientific, Classical, Sport, Applied Science and Linguistic Lycèe, from IIS LS Piccolo of Capo d’ Orlando. English version Teacher Aglio Valentina