Facilitating open science at Florida State University Libraries Presented for the IFLA Satellite Meeting on Library Services for Open Science Renaine Julian - Director of STEM Libraries, Florida State University Libraries
Overview Empowering open through organizational change Advancing open science through collaborative partnerships Establishing an ethos of open: challenges and strategies We we’re at and where we’re going
Open Science Open science is the movement to make scientific research and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional. Open science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks Woelfle, M.; Olliaro, P.; Todd, M. H. (2011). "Open science is a research accelerator". Nature Chemistry. 3 (10): 745– 748. doi:10.1038/nchem.1149
Goals To provide an overview of how FSU Libraries is working to advance open science To give an honest account of our experiences and challenges To start a discussion around shared obstacles to advancing open science
Organizational Change Existing organization: Undergraduate Services/Learning Commons Graduate and Faculty Services/Scholars Commons STEM Libraries New Model Teaching ,Learning and Engagement Access and User Services Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities
Results The results: New STEM Libraries model Consolidated access services department Increased specialization in portfolio of STEM and SSAH units New STEM Libraries model Outreach and engagement as significant part of job description Focus on providing library services to scholars. Bringing the library to the lab
How does this advance open science? Now what? How does this advance open science? Creating space to pursue new library initiatives STEM librarians thinking beyond meeting the immediate needs of scholars New focus on outreach and engagement
Establishing a culture of openness Existing culture Early open initiatives Digital Research and Scholarship (DRS) Advocating for open Department meetings Faculty interactions Leading by example Commitment to OA Using open tools Scholarly Communication Librarian and STEM Data and Research Librarian deliver a webinar related to providing data management services in 2016
Challenges and strategies Increased capacity in time and schedule quickly filled Not everyone enters librarianship for the same reasons Pressure to meet demands from faculty and students Faculty preference toward proprietary tools and workflows Strategies for success Lead by example Meet your team in the middle Communicate expectations clearly
Collaborative Partnerships Collaboration as a necessity Limited time and resources We can’t learn everything Identifying and creating champions Increases awareness of current efforts Engaged partnerships Collaborative history Growth through collaborative partnerships Librarians as partners and scholars Scientists from the RCC teaching a workshop as part of the Libraries “Data at Dirac” series
Collaboration Examples Office of Research SRA courses Data management policy Office of proposal development Research Computing Center Everyday Data and Data @ Dirac workshop series Data science collaborations Research Centers and Institutes ORCid implementation High Field Magnetic Laboratory The Graduate School Data management and documentation workshops Finding open scholarship
Data workshops Partnered with Research Computing Center Incorporated into existing workshop series Compromise between open and tools that RCC wanted to showcase
Challenges and strategies Perception of library Everyone is busy! Difficulty identifying champions Strategies for success Find shared interests and values Timing is everything! Don’t be the best kept secret
Increased Zotero support and cancelation of RefWorks Open Tools Increased Zotero support and cancelation of RefWorks Promoting open alternatives: QGIS vs ArcGIS Instruction on how to use tools to find OA literature such as: DOAJ, OSF Preprints
USEDit Universal Scientific Equipment Discovery Tool (USEDit) Concept to create a unique identifier for scientific equipment Team members from: STEM Libraries Metadata and data discovery Biomolecular Physics Institute USEDit Website (link)
USEDit Structured citation style or method for scientific lab equipment used in publications or grant applications Unique universal identifier Links to standardized equipment sets with documentation Open to all scholars
Advocating for open Communicating Elsevier renegotiations Demonstrates lack of sustainability of academic publishing model Opportunity to educate Increasing awareness of open alternatives Refworks cancelation and Zotero Events and workshops to teach open tools Incorporating open in our work Finding OA scholarship Picking the open alternative
Eyes on the horizon Forums and discussions around what open means to us Expanding offerings on open tools and resources Strategic Planning Team Finding ways for the Libraries to advance open science initiatives
“We stand for openness...as an option...when it makes sense” * Where are we today? “We stand for openness...as an option...when it makes sense” * *quote used to make a point and does not reflect our actual stance on openness : )