Senior English 1/7/19 Write about the best or the worst of your break.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 1/7/19 Write about the best or the worst of your break. What word if pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right? Saponify – to convert into soap. Goals - Read and annotate 12 Angry Men introduction. Watch movie and fill in jury description. Homework – Make sure to complete annotation for introduction; points will be assigned tomorrow. Vocabulary quiz #15 on Friday. wrong

Senior English 1/8/19 What do you know about jury duty? Will you serve if summoned? What is worse than “raining cats and dogs?” Ylem – the primordial stuff from which the various elements of matter were formed – neutrons, protons, etc. Goals - Discuss future goals for this class and life. Dashing Denny. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #15 on Friday. Final 8-15 on 1/18.

Senior English 1/9/19 Is the requirement to serve jury duty essential to justice in the USA? What is worse than “raining cats and dogs?” Ylem – the primordial stuff from which the various elements of matter were formed – neutrons, protons, etc. Goals – Look at assignment sheet and watch 12 Angry Men Homework – None. Hailing taxis.

Senior English 1/10/19 How can presumed innocence be better for justice than presumed guilt? Or is it? How does the ginger bread man make his bed? Plook – the Scottish word for a nasty pimple or boil. Goals – Watch 12 Angry Men and make notes on ways in which people on the jury might be biased. Homework – Study for vocab 15 quiz tomorrow. With a cookie sheet

Senior English 1/11/19 Five minutes to prepare for Quiz 15. What happens when two city peanuts go for a walk in the evening? Lentiginous – heavily freckled. Goals – Complete Vocabulary #15. Watch the end of 12 Angry Men. Handout assignment sheets and resources for paper. Deadline? Homework – Begin study for vocab final 8-15. One is a salted,