Performance of the Band 3 (84-116 GHz) receiver for ALMA Stéphane Claude, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics National Research Council, Victoria, Canada
Main Specifications Frequency range is 84-116 GHz Simultaneous reception of two orthogonal polarizations Simultaneous reception of two side-bands (2SB mode) Total IF output bandwidth of 8 GHz per polarization Superconductor-Isolator-Superconductor (SIS) cryogenic detector and low noise amplifier operating at 4K.
Receiver Design
Cartridge Feedhorn OMT Pol 1 Pol 0 2SB Mixer assemblies 4 K stage Amplifiers 80 K stage 300 K Vacuum flange
Details of the mixer-hybrid assembly
Sideband Separating RF Hybrid Assembly
Automated multi-channel Mixer Test Set
Test Set CW signal source Calibration system Cryostat Warm Cartridge Assembly Local Oscillator Warm amplification Mixer and Amplifier Bias module
Cartridge #2 Noise - RF Band 4 GHz IF bandwidth Spectroscopic Observation
Cartridge Noise – IF Band LO=100 GHz, LSB Pol 0
Image Rejection Ratio IF Band LO=100 GHz, 100 MHz IF bandwidth RF Band