Every Night Read for Enjoyment10-20 minutes! Homework CHOICE Board Week 3 ___________________ Please pick 4 or more activities to complete, reading is done daily.. Check a box for each day your child read! Weekly Sight Words (Review week) Write 7 or more words that rhyme with each word: 1. bat 2. sick The man saw 13 brown chickens, 8 pigs and 7 horses. How many animals did he see in all? Please show me how you solve this problem and then give me the answer. Rainbow write this weeks Spelling words 3 times each. Find all of your sight words in the book you read tonight. Every Night Read for Enjoyment10-20 minutes! Draw a picture of your favorite food or place to eat and tell me why. Write your sight words 3 times each. Count forward from 1 - 120 and then count backwards from 120 -1. You may use 120 chart. Write this weeks Spelling words in ABC order. them ask an over just how from any know Put SEE spelling list for this week’s spelling list. Parent signature after all reading is finished for the week! _______________________________