Growth Mindset
Does this sound familiar? I can’t do it It is too hard What’s the point trying, I won’t be able to do it I failed it once, why would I do it again? Does this sound familiar? Get students to hands up if they are like this example
Does this sound familiar? I love a challenge I want to do better at that next time That was hard, how can I improve How can I get a better result next time Does this sound familiar? Get students to hands up if they are like this example
What is Growth Mindset “...belief that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point” Mindset Online
Research on Growth Mindset Students aged nine to 12 years old completed a problem-solving game. They were then told they’d got 80% of the questions right and were praised for either their natural intelligence or how hard they worked on the task. The researchers reported on how the students felt, thought and behaved in subsequent tasks. Don’t read this slide if going through the next few instead
Research on Growth Mindset Two groups of students given a task
Research on Growth Mindset Both groups were told they got 80%
Research on Growth Mindset One group were praised on their effort on the task The other was praised on their intelligence
Praised for Intelligence Praised for effort More likely to choose tasks that would make them look smart Choose tasks where they learnt new things. Enjoyed the task less Enjoyed the task more Less likely to persevere More likely to persevere Performed worse in future tasks Performed better in future tasks 86% asked how their peers did 23% asked for info on peers, the rest on how they could improve 38% lied about how many tasks they completed 13% lied about how many tasks they completed
What were the results? Children who were praised for their intelligence were more likely to choose future tasks that they thought would make them look smart. Children who had been praised for their effort tended to choose tasks that would help them learn new things. Children praised for their intelligence said they enjoyed the task less when compared to the children who had been praised for their effort. Children praised for their intelligence were less likely to persist on tasks than the children who had been praised for their effort. Children who had been praised for their intelligence performed worse in future tasks. The children who had been praised for their effort performed better in future tasks. The majority (86%) of children praised for their intelligence asked for information about how their peers did on the same task. Only 23% of children who had been praised for effort asked for this type of feedback – most of them asked for feedback about how they could do better. A significant proportion (38%) of children praised for their ability lied about the number of problems they solved in the task. Only 13% of the children praised for effort did the same.
Fixed Mindset Believe that basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are fixed. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort.
Key aspects of growth mindset; Celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them; Never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed; Learn from each other; Don’t compare ourselves with others; Challenge ourselves and take risks; Remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time.