Bakery Trends & Best Practice – India
Bon Bon Cake Concept Objective Action Result Shift our focus to reinforcing concepts & its benefit To train customers about global trends & products Deliver profitable solutions to customers, to increase brand loyalty and RICHS consumption This was done by launching Bon Bon Cake Concept presentation Action Concept presentation seminars were held in 10 (Tier 1) cities across India. Approximately 50 nos customers were invited for each of the seminars. Bon Bon concept was presented in an interactive session. Each customer received a specially customized Bon Bon Concept Kit. Each kit had the following Bon Bon Cake idea generator (brochure) An artwork CD with POSM material (which the bakers can customize as per his requirement) – the idea is not to provide standard POS which people put up or forget but a tool which enables them to develop designs / posters / brochures to suit their business – lack of good pictures is something which most bakers we speak to express and the intent is to provide a solution for this. A tool –Cookie/Cake cutter which can be used to cut a piece of the sponge away for making a cavity for the surprise Result The launch was a huge success with more than 500 people attending the same. 8 out of 10 customers, who put Bon Bon Cake on trial gave the concept a thumbs up. The event got covered by News Channel & Trade Magazines.
Consumption Day Concept Action Future Result In India cakes consumption is very occasional e.g. Birthday, anniversary, etc. During Festivals traditional India sweets are more popular for gifting. To drive consumption of cakes/pastries as a gifting option instead of traditional sweets. To provide support to customers that will serve as a reminder to end consumer about up-coming traditional / non-traditional consumption days, e.g. Diwali, Friendship Day, etc. Action To reinforce the idea customers are provided with theme based sales kit along with POS material. During the teacher’s Day a specially design greeting cards was given with each teachers day card sold For Christmas, buntings will be provided to the customer. Future To push sales through the counter & help customers sell more topical cakes, a photo printer will be installed in each region Occasion based pre-printed edible disc / sheets will be given to select customers for customizing their cakes with the holiday occasion. Result The customers satisfaction with brand RICHS increased The brand recall as leading solution provider increased. Consumers loyalty towards customer was strengthen.
Product Trends Product Observation Baklava Middle Eastern Sweet Desserts Observation Many premium bakeries have begun to adopt Baklava and present interesting varieties in their offering to customers. In North India a few bakers have chosen to open exclusive Baklava shops based on the demand Baklava fits in well into a baker’s production system and yet is very close to the Indian taste palate & preference for bite size sweets. Allows the baker to build a range of products which can be gifted on different occasions apart from standard options like chocolates and brownies Commands a higher price and better margins for the baker.