A Development-Testing-Maintenance model for software evolution Masterant: Galit Friedman Superior advisor: DR. AmirTomer Secondary advisor: Prof. Dov Dori
Research Goals Raising the significant of software testing process Improving software testing methodology in the following aspects: Quality Efficiency Costs Aiming for a unified testing process
Origin Problem Solution for origin problem Software testing is mostly referred as a stage in software development process. The outcomes: Testing plans are done in late stages of development Planning against development artifacts instead of user requirements Software testing process parallel to development process in software construction model Related work- Rational UP
New Problems Changes in any stage of development can influence testing integrity Testing artifacts to manage Testing is more complicated and resources requirements as time, tools and testers qualification are intensified
Research Solution A triple process model, reserving all connections between development-testing processes for evolution control Attendant uses of model for testing process improvement Automating traceability and uses of model for efficiency improvement
Solution Methods Expanding an existing model for software maintenance - The Propagation Graph
Solution Methods- Con.. Using OPCAT for automation and OPM for formalization
Research evaluation Test Case- “ExamPal” Measurements for Quality: Measurements for Efficiency: Costs Evaluation
Summary It started from testing point of view and expanded to complete life cycle Shared points with some of the new researches Status- after proposal approval Next step- Building the test case