Welcome to Language Arts! . . . . . . . Class Syllabus 2019-2020 Mrs. Childs’ classroom Contact Me About Me Hi, my name is Mrs. Childs, and I will be your child’s Language Arts teacher this year for the 7th grade. I am excited about this year! I love working at Pine Hill Middle School and enjoy helping students improve their reading and writing abilities. I look forward to a great school year! Remind 101 App ChildVi@boe.Richmond.k12.ga.us Conferences Welcomed: 11:30-12:30 by appointment Welcome to Language Arts! We will indulge in a number of mentor texts where we use several reading strategies to build reading comprehension. There is a heavy emphasis on several readings and writings. We will read and write everyday. Please make sure you always bring a personal book to read for class and make sure you are always prepared for the learning experience. You will have a project the last week of every 9 week period on the independent book that you are reading. You may check out a book from the library and renew it every 2 weeks. Daily Supplies Needed Behavior Expectations Technology In Our Classroom 2 Composition books Colored pencils Scissors Glue Highlighters Head phones Sticky notes Pens Pencils Pocket dictionary Come to class quietly Immediately get to work Bring all materials to class Raise your hand to speak Raise your hand to get out of your seat Keep your area organized We will be using our class laptops for technology. NO CELL PHONES are allowed during class and should be turned off and put away. Use of a cell phone will be collected and taken to the front office. © Kristin Micklewright 2019
Homework & Units of Study Grading Policy 90-100=A 89-80=B 79-75=C 74-70=D 69-below=F Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. In the event that this happens, a grade of 0% will be given. Missing or make up work must be completed within 2 days from the time you have received the assignment. Missing assignments or assignments not turned in will result in 0% until it is turned in. Classwork (interactive notebook, warm ups, binder, readings, writings)=30% Quizzes= 20% Projects= 20% Tests= 25% Homework=5% Homework & Units of Study Homework will be posted on the Remind App and on the Website. Be sure to check on the website as homework is given periodically and not on a daily basis. Class website: https://www.rcboe.org/Domain/8556 Unit1: Getting to Know You- Unit 2: Reading w/ Narrative Writing -Unit 3: Reading w/Informative Writing-Unit 4:Reading w/ Argumentative Writing- Unit5: Literature Class Rules & Consequences Respect the teacher, classroom, and peers Avoid the use of bad language Do not disrupt the class environment Keep hands, feet, and objects to self No eating food or chewing gum Verbal Warning Name on board(removed by the end of class) 1 Check=Lunch Detention 2 Checks=30 minutes afterschool 3 checks=45 minutes detention& phone call home 4 checks= 60 minutes detention & written referral Checks are removed within 1 week CUT, SIGN, & RETURN Please sign below to indicate that you have read and reviewed the class expectations and overview in this syllabus. Student Signature Parent Signature Is there anything you’d like me to know about your child? © Kristin Micklewright 2019