SimVenture Evolution Lesson 12 - Finance 07/10/2019
Summary of Lesson 11 In this module we covered: The Production Process Reflective Journal The CBI skills you will have developed today are: A positive attitude (readiness to take part, openness to new ideas and activities, desire to achieve) Self-management – readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, time management, readiness to improve own performance Team working – respecting others, co-operating, negotiating/ persuading, contributing to discussion (if you are working in a group). Business and customer awareness- basic understanding of the key drivers for business success and the need to provide customer satisfaction. Problem solving- analysing facts and circumstances and applying creative thinking to develop appropriate solutions. Application of numeracy-manipulation of numbers, general mathematical awareness and its application in practical contexts. Summary of Lesson 11 10/7/2019
Record Keeping for SMEs Overview of what we’re going to cover today: SimVenture Evolution case studies x 3 Identify whether the company is in a healthy financial position Reflective journal In this module you will be reviewing the company’s financial position. Cash flow Profit and loss Balance sheets 07/10/2019
Log in Open up a browser remembering not to use Internet Explorer. Try Chrome or Firefox instead. Go to - don’t forget to add the last forward slash. Log in with your user name and password using the LOGIN button. Open the activity that has been allocated to you. 10/7/2019
Navigate to the History tabs and click to find the information you need.
Finance Navigate to The History Pages in the simulation. 10/7/2019
Cash Flow Case Study Title: Cash Flow Statement Green Spokes is a bicycle manufacturing business and was established with £150k seed capital investment. After conducting initial research, a product design was created to target a specific segment of the market. Please read the scenario briefing for more information. As a member of the management team of the company, whatever your role, it is important that you understand the financial implications of any decisions made. There are 3 financial reports that the management team of an organization should review, both individually and as a group. These are the Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. To develop your understanding, attempt the activity detailed below, and compare your results with that of your colleagues. Discuss any differences, and note the key learning points. If there are some areas of the Cash Flow Statement on which you are unclear, and you are not a finance student, it is suggested that you review a text book or on-line resource aimed at “Finance for non-Finance Managers” and you will find details of the 3 key financial reports in the first few chapters. Consider how the Cash Flow Statement relates to the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet TASK: Open the scenario in SimVenture, study the scenario briefing, and examine a Balance Sheet by accessing History/Quarterly Reports/ Cash Flow. What is the objective of the Cash Flow Statement? Examine how the report is constructed and list the key items that you think would contribute to each of the headings. Consider some key methods by which the decisions of the business management team could influence each of these items. For more information: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Profit & Loss Title: Profit & Loss Account Green Spokes is a start-up bicycle manufacturing business that was established with £150k seed capital investment. After conducting initial research, a product design was created to target a specific segment of the market. Please read the scenario briefing for more information. As a member of the management team of the company, whatever your role, it is important that you understand the financial implications of any decisions made. There are 3 financial reports that the management team of an organization should review, both individually and as a group. These are the Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. To develop your understanding, attempt the activity detailed below, and compare your results with that of your colleagues. Discuss any differences, and note the key learning points. If there are some areas of the profit and loss account on which you are unclear, and you are not a finance student, it is suggested that you review a text book or on-line resource aimed at “Finance for non-Finance Managers” and you will find details of the 3 key financial reports in the first few chapters. Consider how the Profit and Loss Account relates to the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement TASK: Open the scenario in SimVenture, study the scenario briefing, and examine a Profit & Loss Account by accessing History/Quarterly Reports/Profit Loss. What is the objective of the Profit & Loss account? Examine how the report is constructed and list the key items that you think would contribute to each of the headings. Consider some key methods by which the decisions of the business management team could influence each of these items. For more information: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Balance Sheet Title: Balance Sheet Green Spokes is a start-up bicycle manufacturing business. Please now log into the simulation and look at the BRIEFING tab. Here you will find an introduction from Claire Jones (CEO), and an overview of the company, a segmentation research report, a competition report and some company targets. As a member of the management team of the company, whatever your role, it is important that you understand the financial implications of any decisions made. There are 3 financial reports that the management team of an organization should review, both individually and as a group. These are the Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. To develop your understanding, attempt the activity detailed below, and compare your results with that of your colleagues. Discuss any differences and note the key learning points. If there are some areas of the balance sheet on which you are unclear, and you are not a finance student, it is suggested that you review a text book or on-line resource aimed at “Finance for non-Finance Managers” and you will find details of the 3 key financial reports in the first few chapters. Consider how the Balance Sheet relates to the Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement TASK: Open the scenario in SimVenture, study the scenario briefing, and examine a Balance Sheet by accessing History/Quarterly Reports/ Balance Sheet. What is the objective of the Balance Sheet? Examine how the report is constructed and list the key items that you think would contribute to each of the headings. Consider some key methods by which the decisions of the business management team could influence each of these items. For more information on Balance Sheets –
Journal Finding the Journal – go to LEFT HAND SIDE OF SCREEN – ON BLUE TABS YOU WILL SEE JOURNAL. Click the tab called Journal and you should see a screen like this.
Add Journal Entry Write up a summary of the business as your starting point for your assessed work. Give the entry a TITLE CATEGORY AREA MESSAGE - Write up your summary which you can use in your assessment. Keep it short and bullet pointed as happens in the real business world. Remember to press Submit to save the entry. Well done everyone you’re set up and ready to go. Go back into the journal to check that your notes are there.
Summary In this module we covered: Overview: SimVenture Evolution case studies x 3 (cash flow, profit and loss and balance sheets) Identify whether the company is in a healthy financial position Reflective journal Summary 10/7/2019