Beyond your degree Develop (to start to exist, advance, expand): New societies – creating sustainable and active societies. Currently implemented various things to capture new society ideas. Subcommittee. Training. Application forms and initial meetings, discussions, through Katy. What other support should we offer? Training – developing skills and opportunities (food hygiene training, first aid training, journalism training) Cross-training and inter-society work/collaboration How to embed your society or clubs twitter feed onto your page on
Go to Twitter Twitter Link: Go to or google publish Twitter and follow the link and you will see a page that looks like this: Enter the URL of the twitter account you would like to embed e.g.
Embed the timeline You will see this screen: Select ‘embedded timeline’ The code has now been created, but the size will be very large. To change this, click ‘set customisation options’.
Change the size of the feed We suggest 300 x 700 to fit well on your union page, then click update
Copy code Select copy code
Login to UEA.SU Navigate to your society/club admin tools and select edit details
Paste the code Scroll down to the bottom until you find description and click on source Now, paste the code you copied from twitter into the bottom and click save
Done! Your society page should now look something like this: