Ch 1.2
Scientific Method- a general approach to gathering information and answering questions so that errors and biases are minimized Question Hypothesis Experiment Results Conclusions Theory Scientific Method
Acknowledged as establishing modern psychology as a separate formal field of study Created Structuralism Structuralist- A psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up conscience mental experiences. Focuses on different brain elements and their capacities Introspection- A method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings Reliable? Unreliable? Why? William Wundt 1832-1920
William James 1842-1910 Known as the father of psychology in the USA Believed that thinking, feeling, learning, and remembering-all activities of the mind- all served one function: to help us survive as a species. Created the Functionalist approach Functionalist- a psychologist who studied the function (rather than the structure) of consciousness. Focuses on the adaptations of human mind to different environments Structure of the brain is less important than the function/actions of the mind William James 1842-1910
Came up with the idea that traits are hereditary A persons heredity and environment interact to influence intelegence Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911
“Perception is more than the sum of its parts” Gestalt Psychology
Evolutionary- Psychologists who study the roots of behavior and mental processes through natural selection. Biological- Psychologists who study the links between biology and psychology. Genes and hormones. (Parents genes may be the reason for your actions and thoughts) Approaches:
Behavioral- Psychologists who study observable behavior and how it helps you learn. One of the most studied approaches of psychology. Observable behavior Cognitive- Psychologist who study thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating. Involve memory and perception. …
Humanistic- Psychologists who believe people are driven because they want to grow and do their best. Believe that people are constantly trying to grow or enhance themselves. Some don’t believe in this approach because they believe some are unmotivated Psychodynamic- Psychologists who study the unconscious that influences our decisions. Study helps those with psychological disorders. Sigmund Freud was big in this field …
Socio-Cultural- Psychologists study how society and cultures affect our behavior and thinking. They believe people in the US would think differently than those in Africa, Asia, or Russia about certain situations. …