Did you enjoy your time off? Welcome Back! Did you enjoy your time off?
Housekeeping No Words Today. But, your vocab books are due right now. Also, remember your field diploma is on Wednesday! Part A of your exam is on the 15th. I have put all the notes for the year on the website.
What we will do today… Go over the test you did prior to the break. Hmmm. Those of you that missed the test are on the hook right now. I will send you to the ZAP room now. Then we will do some review of the First Unit.
Let’s go over the Multiple Choice Make sure on future tests you read very carefully and answer with the BEST POSSIBLE answer. Remember, the diploma may try and trick you! At least one answer will be called a distracter!
The Questions!!! Let’s go over the answers. Remember to answer all part of each question. Don’t rush to finish, make sure you understand what the questions are asking you?
Written Response Make sure you don’t just explain the source. We already know what the pictures are showing, that’s why we pick them! You tell us why they are relevant to the topic. They are not the question, they are there to assist you!
I know it was long ago, but I’m sure it will all come back to you! Let’s Review Unit One I know it was long ago, but I’m sure it will all come back to you!
Political Structures of Society
In Ideology What is an ideology? How does it form and what does it attempt to do? What can an ideology be based around: Nation Religion Environment Race Economic Status
Things to Review Enlightenment. Ideology and Perspective, Beliefs, and Values. Collectivism Vs. Individualism. Ideological Spectrum. The Grey Area. The Middle Ages (Dark Ages) The Renaissance (Di Vinci) The Enlightenment. Printing Press. The Reformation.
Continued The American Revolution The French Revolution. The Rule of Law and the Social Contract. The Magna Carta The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Great Depression. The Rise of Liberalism.
Wow, we still have more! Human Interdependence Communism Socialism and Communism (Karl Marx) Collective Interest and Collective Responsibility. Our rights… Capital Punishment.
Tomorrow, we will have a unit 2 review. Also, a unit 1 and 2 review crossword!