BCTLA Chapter Constitutions Sarah Wethered Vice President - BCTLA October 20, 2018
Chapter Name and Date of Constitution Chapter Name Constitution It is easier for the BCTLA if you choose a name that reflects your school district or your area. For example, New Westminster Teacher-Librarians’ Association Dated ______________________________ Date of adoption of your constitution
Name of the Chapter The name of this association shall be the ______________________________________________ (the Chapter) of the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA) and will include the geographic areas of _____________________________
Objectives Here are some suggestions, but your chapter can add more or delete some. The objectives of this association shall be: A. To promote and encourage the use and attainment of professional standards in chapter school district school libraries. B. To improve learning and working conditions in school libraries. C. To further the aims and objectives of the BCTLA at the local level in cooperation with the local organizations of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and other bodies.
Article 1: Membership Membership shall be open to any member of the local teachers’ union and the BCTLA, and at the discretion of the chapter, any other professional librarians, teachers, or district library-related personnel. Locals can choose who is eligible for membership.
Article 2: Fees Membership fees shall be established by resolution state a month or meeting. Chapters need to set a fee. Is there a fee differential for TTOCs or any support staff that might attend? When will you set the fee?
Article 3: Officers The officers of the chapter shall be: A. President B. Treasurer C. Chapter Councillor (add all you want and you can include their duties) Some districts have many officers, and others do not. May also wish to state what their duties will be.
Article 4: Committees Any committees shall be appointed at a chapter meeting at the instigation of the membership. Even if your chapter does not presently have committees, you may want this article in for the future.
Article 5: Meetings A. Chapter meetings shall be called by the Chapter President at least _______ times per year. B. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in _________. Choose as a chapter how many meetings you must have.
Article 6: Voting A, All voting on motions at meetings shall be by show of hands except when a ballot is demanded by at least ___________ of the active members present. B. ____________ members shall constitute a quorum at meetings. Choose how many members is a quorum and when you need secret ballots.
Article 7: Nominations and Elections The nomination and election of chapter officers shall take place at the general meeting in _______________ The officers of the chapter shall be elected for a term of ________ year. All persons elected to an executive position shall be members in good standing of the Chapter, the BCTLA, and the Local Union.
Nominations and Elections continued When will your elections take place? How long are the terms? All officers must be a member of the BCTLA
Article 8: Procedures for Amendments to the Constitution The Constitution may be amended or revised by _____ majority at any regular meeting of the chapters, provided at least time period written notice of motion has been circulated to the membership. Amendments to or revisions of the Constitution become effective only after approval has been received by the BCTLA.
Procedures for Amendments to the Constitution How big a majority will you need to amend the constitution? ⅔? ¾? Check with your local’s constitution to see what their amending formula is. Need to have the BCTLA approval before your amended constitution takes effect.
Article 9: Filing A copy of the Chapter Constitution shall be filed with the BCTLA to be hosted on the BCTLA website for archival purposes.