“If you are going through hell, keep going.” ~Winston S. Churchill Agenda Welcome Back! Where We’ve Been Where We’re Going 1/2/13 “If you are going through hell, keep going.” ~Winston S. Churchill
Bell Work How was your break? Share
Where I’ve Been
Where You’ve Been: Senior Project Check Be prepared to share the following: What you’ve been approved to do How much you’ve done on your project so far What challenges you’ve had, what successes you’ve had Anything you have questions about? Don’t forget- Your next hour check is due on January 15th. 5 hours completed, MENTOR SIGNATURE required (GOOD paragraphs describing your activities for full credit)
The rest of the year (it’s going to go fast!!) (some changes possible!) January-March: Research Paper March-April: Othello! May-June: Senior Project, Lit Crit Lit Circles GRADUATION!!