Please take a moment to silence your cell phones during the service. shhh Please take a moment to silence your cell phones during the service. Thank you!
Men's Breakfast Pastor Scott Dakin, Ambassador Baptist Church Saturday, February 27th @ 8:30 sharp Special Guest Speaker: Pastor Scott Dakin, Ambassador Baptist Church Topic: We Love Windsor! *Please sign up on the list outside the church library
Just a reminder that monthly or bi-monthly pre-authorized payments are also offered for your tithing. Please contact a member of the Finance Committee for more information. The WFCU is now using scanning technology. Please use regular black or blue ink when completing your offering cheques. Income Tax Receipts for 2015 will be available by February 15, 2016
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm Kids JK – Grade 5 Come Join Us For Games, Crafts, a Bible Story, and a Snack. Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
Friday, April 1st, 7:00 @ Banwell Free Movie Night Featuring: Everyone Welcome! Friday, April 1st, 7:00 @ Banwell *Donations of non-perishable food items or a freewill offering for the Women's Welcome Center appreciated. Snacks provided