Empirical Software Engineering Research Project MEXT supported projects Project leader: Koji Torii, NAIST e-Society: Software Infrastructure Development Projects 8 projects, 1.2 billion JPY in total in financial 2003 5 years project, 200 million JPY in financial 2003 Annually reviewed by MEXT New office in Senri-Chuo in Osaka Matching fund needs industrial money MEXT demands the project not only do research, but make an impact on industry
Our Approach Need short term results Create software tools as well as research outputs Gather engineers from companies and develop tools
Project Hierarchy Technical Committees -Metrics -Security -Process Improvement -Formal Method … Associate Companies Associate Universities Core Company -NTT Software -Hitachi -Hitachi GP -SRA Core Univ. -NAIST -Osaka Univ. Senri Lab -Manager -Secretary -Company engineers -Univ. researchers
Target:Empirical SE Data Infrastructure Analysis Open-source Software Data Collection Feedback Associate Organizations Software Development Organization
Current Target Development Environment Open source development tools CVS: versioning MailMan: main management Gnats: bug trace Existing Web interface Corporate Source (ZeeSource)
Standardizing Empirical SE Data Product data History by CVS Product definition in XML Process Data Event data in XML Transform from various log files
System Architecture GUI (5) PostgreSQL+XML Plug-in (6) (6-2) (6-3) Manager Developer Analysis Tools(Next release) Estimation Tools Similarity Tools ... GUI (5) PostgreSQL+XML Plug-in (6) (6-2) (6-3) (6-4) (5-0) XML-DB Repository Standardized Data RubyScript Translator1 Translator3 GUI Translator2 Other Tools (Next release) (2) (3) (4) Manager Developer (1) Option1 Option2 CVS Mail Gnats (bug-rep.) Log & objects CorporateSource Software Development Environments
Future Plan Demonstrate a first prototype at the workshop in Nov. 2003 Distribute the prototype to companies in 2004 Organize a consortium for promotion Write papers and demonstrate the prototype in various conferences
5 Year Goals and Current Action Items 5 Year Goal: To inspire collaborative work by industry and academia on developing effective approaches to high-productivity, high-reliability, and high-security software Current Action Items: Publicizing Empirical Software Engineering approach and industry/academic collaboration Promote experimental prototype and initiate collaborative relations Develop future plans