Basic HR Staffing Training & Development Performance & Rewards 10pt Labor Relations 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20pt 20pt 20 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40pt 40 pt 40pt 50pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt
a personnel system that creates value, is rare, SHRM, a personnel system that creates value, is rare, is difficult to imitate, and is organized
What is strategic human resources management?
Knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that have economic value
What is human capital?
Planning, programming, and evaluating
What are the three stages of the HR Planning Process?
An estimate of how many and what types of employees are available
What is a labor supply forecast?
Job description + job specification = ____
What is job analysis?
Recruitment, selection, and outplacement comprise the _____function
What is the staffing function?
Developing a pool of candidates
What is recruiting?
qualified applicants to hire into an organization Choosing from among qualified applicants to hire into an organization
What is selection?
2 types of interviews
What are structured and unstructured?
Two major requirements for testing methods
What are reliability and validity?
The difference between training and development
What is learning to do your present job versus learning broader skills for future jobs?
The difference between Orientation training, Team training, and Diversity training
What are organizational familiarization, learning to work with others, and learning to build awareness of workforce differences?
What is Management By Objectives?
Anonymously asking superiors, colleagues, and subordinates about your own performance
What is a 360 degree appraisal?
Administrative purposes and developmental purposes
performance improvement) to give performance appraisals? What are two reasons (e.g. salary, promotion, & performance improvement) to give performance appraisals?
Deciding to be a high-, medium-, or low-paying company
What is pay level?
Example of an individual incentive plan
piece-work, or merit pay? What is piece-work, or merit pay?
Example of group incentive plan
Gain-sharing, or profit-sharing? What is Gain-sharing, or profit-sharing?
The ability to buy a stock at a future time at a specified price
What is a stock option?
The difference between cafeteria and flexible benefit plans
What is choosing from a menu of options to create a package versus spending credits for desired benefits?
The system of relations between workers and management
What is labor relations?
Conflict resolution where a neutral third party resolves a labor dispute
What is arbitration?
the company can fire you at any You can quit, or the company can fire you at any time for any reason
What is right-to-work?
Name for an organization where you have to join a union if you want to keep working there
What is a union shop?
dissatisfaction with employer, beliefs in union power, and union image Economic reasons, dissatisfaction with employer, beliefs in union power, and union image
What are 4 reasons workers vote for unionization?