La oración inglesa Sintagmas nominales y verbales Teoría y Práctica de la Lectura de Textos Académicos en Inglés Postgrado-FHE-UCV Evelyn Izquierdo 2007-01
SINTAGMA NOMINAL (Con función sujeto) PREMODIFICADOR + NÚCLEO + POSTMODIFICADOR Artículos Sintagma preposicional Pronombres + Sustantivo + Cláusulas that Adjetivos Pronombre wh Sustantivos -ing -to -ed Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
SINTAGMA VERBAL (Con función predicado) PREMODIFICADOR + NÚCLEO + POSTMODIFICADOR S. Nominal Adverbio S. Adjetival (Presente o + Verbo o frase verbal + S. Adverbial pasado simple) S. Preposicional Excepto Verbo Cláusulas: To be that wh -ing -to -ed Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Ejemplo 1: The primary school teacher training system has not produced the necessary number of teachers. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagma nominal The primary school teacher training system Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma verbal has not produced the necessary number of teachers. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Ejemplo 2: (SN + SV) The researchers confirmed previous findings that children whose parents divorce show more aggressive, antisocial and withdrawn behavior. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma nominal (prem. + núcleo) The researchers Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma verbal (V +SN) confirmed (previous findings that children whose parents divorce show more aggressive, antisocial and withdrawn behavior). Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma nominal (prem. + núcleo) previous findings Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Cláusula relativa -that -that + oración [SN] + (SV) Cláusula -wh that [children ((whose parents divorce))] (show more aggressive, antisocial and withdrawn behavior). Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Cláusula relativa –wh Wh + oración SN + SV whose [parents] (divorce) Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma verbal (Verbo + SN) show (more aggressive, antisocial and withdrawn behavior). Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved The researchers confirmed (previous findings [that (children ((whose parents divorce))) [show more aggressive, antisocial and withdrawn behavior.]]) Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Ejemplo 3: (SN + SV) The psychologist recommends [that (women analyze their various roles [[when conflicts between work and family arise.]] ] Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
(Verbo + cláusula -that) Sintagma verbal (Verbo + cláusula -that) recommends [that (women) [analyze their various roles [[when (conflicts {between work and family}) (arise)]]]] Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Cláusula –that (that + oración) SN + SV that women analyze their various roles [when (conflicts {between work and family}) (arise)] Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagma verbal Verbo + SN analyze (their various roles [when ((conflicts {between work and family})) (arise)]) Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagma nominal (Premodificador +núcleo +postmodificador) their various roles [when (conflicts {between work and family}) (arise)] Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
SN+SV (Verbo+Cláusula [Wh+Wh]) Ejemplo 4: SN+SV (Verbo+Cláusula [Wh+Wh]) The book Mind Matters describes [how the mind and the brain are bound together] and [what chemicals in the brain control our states of mind]. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Ejemplo 5: Unesco’s activities in connection with the International Year of the Child in 1979 were part of a continuing effort on behalf of the world’s children which began when Unesco was formed over thirthy years ago to help children whose lives had been disrupted by war. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagma verbal Verbo + Sintagma Nominal Verbo + Sintagma Adjetival (SAdj) Verbo + Sintagma Adverbial (SAdv) Verbo + Sintagma preposicional (SPrep) Verbo + Claúsula (that, wh, -ing, -ed, to) Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagmas verbales Applicants must have a lively personality. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagmas verbales Interest in popular music is also important. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagmas verbales John came recently. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Sintagmas verbales Mr. Smith will be transferred to the direction of the school. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Sintagmas verbales Everybody left when it started to rain. Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved
Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved Now, let’s practice! Evelyn Izquierdo 2007 (R) All rights reserved