Helpful information about our classroom: Rules: Our classroom will follow the school-wide B.E.S.T. Rules and Matrix. B--I will be kind to others. E--I will respect myself and others. S--I will practice safe behaviors and respect the safety of others. T--I will take care of my property and respect other's property. We will use Class DoJo as a behavior management tool in the classroom. I will send a code for you to sign up. Besides monitoring your child’s behavior, you will be able to see work samples, class photos, etc. Helpful information about our classroom: (Please check back throughout the year as this information may be updated from time to time ) Breakfast: Breakfast is served in our classrooms and students are very independent to serve themselves. I will be sending home a letter at the beginning of the school year asking if your child will be buying breakfast on a daily basis, on occasion, or not allowed to buy without a note, any option is fine but we don’t want you to have any surprise charges on your child’s food account!
Birthday Celebrations: Lunch: Our lunch and recess is at _____________. Students may choose to purchase a lunch using money or they can bring a sack lunch. If you choose to send in lunch money please send it in a sealed envelope or baggie with your child's first and last name and the amount written on the front. All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle (labeled) to school daily. Snack: We will have a daily time allotted for students to eat a snack. Each student should bring a small, healthy snack to school everyday. Ideas are fruit, veggies, crackers, cheese, pretzels, etc. We do not have a supply of napkins, spoons, etc. so please provide these for your child if needed! *****Please note that students should not bring soda pop for snack or lunch, per school rules***** Birthday Celebrations: When your child’s birthday is approaching, please contact me if you would like to bring in a special birthday treat for the class to help your child celebrate. Your child may also have show and tell on their special day, as well. Specials We have four different special area classes. They are: Art, Computers, Music, and P.E. For P.E., students will need to wear appropriate clothing and have gym shoes with them. The special area rotations are as follows: Computers, Music, Art, P.E.
Book Orders: We will be using Scholastic to order books this year. Correspondence: At the beginning of each month, I will send home a calendar with upcoming important dates, reminders, birthdays, show and tell Friday schedule(more about this later), volunteer schedules( will discuss more at a later date), etc. I will also send home a monthly newsletter highlighting what we are working on in class that month. I will be using email, Class Dojo (or a similar app) mainly, to correspond with you throughout the month. If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone, please let me know so that I can be sure to get paper correspondence to you when needed . Also, I will be putting together a home/school folder for your child in which lunch money, important papers, homework, notes, etc. can be sent to and from. I will give more detailed information about this at a later date. Show and Tell Fridays: Each Friday, five students will be given the opportunity to show and tell about a small item from home. The monthly calendar will let you know what day(s) your child is scheduled to bring in their special item. Please be sure that you monitor what your child brings in for their special days as no pretend weapons or violent natured toys are allowed. Also, be sure your child’s item is not to fragile or expensive to bring in and share with others . Please remind your child that these items must stay in their locker until the appropriate sharing time each day. Book Orders: We will be using Scholastic to order books this year. Transportation: If your child will be leaving school in a way other than his/her regular form of transportation, please contact me via email, a note, a phone call, etc. This note will remind your child of the change in plans as well as provide us with the necessary information. If the change will be a regular change (e.g. every Wednesday) only one note needs to be sent.