Settlers and Populists
Railroads open the West 170 million acres in land grants Vets and immigrants
Government support for settlement Homestead Act- 160 acres Exodusters 10% actually settled Oklahoma and Kansas
Closing of the Frontier Wilderness protection Yellowstone National Park Railroads forced to give up land 1890 no continuous frontier
Dugouts and Soddies Trees Scarce Dug into ravines or hills Blocks of sod used Pests
Women’s work Worked beside men Wheat Plowing, shearing Sponsored schools, churches
Technical Support for Farmers Steele Plow Reaping Machine Spring tooth harrow Grain drill Barbed wire Corn binder
Agricultural Education Morrill Act- gov lands to agricultural colleges Hatch Act- agriculture experiment station Agricultural innovation
Farmers in Debt Machines expensive Bonanza Farms- single crop farms- 15-50,000 acres Shipping fee
Economic distress Greenbacks Lower crop prices
Problems with the railroad High transport costs Lack of competition
Farmers Alliance Grange Fight railroads Farmers Alliance- farmer sympathizers Membership 4 million
The Populist party platform Populist- movement of the people Economic reforms proposed Graduated income tax Federal loan program 8 hour work day Eventually adopted by Democratic Party
Panic of 1893 Railroads declare bankrupt Stock prices fell 15,000 businesses and 500 banks collapse 3 million lose jobs, 1/5 workforce
Silver or Gold Bankers- Republican Farmers and laborers- Democrats Bimetallism Gold standard
Bryan and the “Cross of Gold” Democrat Says gold standards crucify on cross of gold Populists support Democrats
End of Populism Bryan lost backing in northeast Lost by 500,000 votes Fear of inflation McKinley wins Presidency Populism collapses Message to organize for political impact Agenda for reform