Requisitions RX Document Advantage Financial System
Requisitions Requisitions are requests for goods or services that are not available on-campus or are not allowed on a PV document Sent to buyers in Purchasing who place the order with the off-campus vendor Used for high dollar totals and certain categories of goods and services
Requisitions The RX document consist of several sections: Header Accounting Details Commodity Details Freight Additional Description Commodity Lines
RX: Header Other Attributes contains information about the overall order: Vendor code Delivery information User contact information Responsible agency/org
RX: Accounting Details Accounting Details contains information about the accounts and object codes: Line number Agency/org Object/subobject Function (optional)
RX: Commodity Details Commodity Details contains information about the goods or services being ordered: Line number Commodity code Unit of measure Accounting line Description Quantity Unit cost
RX: Additional Description/ Commodity Line Additional Description allows a description in addition to the ones entered per line Commodity Line displays the number of commodity lines per RX document
RX Approvals RX Documents require Level 1 approval applied by the requesting department A Buyer in Purchasing reviews the RX and contacts the vendor as needed The Buyer will create a PC (Purchase Order) to send to the vendor
RX Document Create a new RX document using the automatic document numbering EX: RX TR1 TR1# RX WV5 WV5#
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the anticipated delivery date of the goods
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the vendor code including address indicator, if applicable
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the agency/org to be charged for the goods or services
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter “Blanket” if the RX is for a blanket order. Otherwise, leave blank
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter “REC” for Receiving then “AP” for Accounts Payable
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the mail code, building, and room number where goods will be delivered
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the 4-character Advantage ID and name of the person completing the document
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the name of the person requesting the goods or services
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter full phone number including area code of the requestor
RX: Freight If the goods are subject to freight charges, they must be entered on the RX Freight charges are applied by line so they are allocated across the order
RX Document Freight Enter “D” in Freight Indicator to designate freight by line
RX Document Freight Enter the total amount of freight charges for the order
RX Document Freight Enter the total amount of all commodity lines before tax and freight
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter a line number to distinguish from other accounting lines, starting with “01”
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the agency/org including suborg, if applicable, to be charged
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the function code, if applicable
Header and Accounting Details RX Document Header and Accounting Details Enter the object/subobject for the commodity being ordered on this accounting line
RX Document Those lines complete the required fields for the RX Header and Accounting Details section Press Enter to move to the Commodity Details
RX Document Commodity Details Enter a line number to distinguish this commodity from others, starting with “001”
RX Document Commodity Details Enter the commodity code
RX Document Commodity Details Enter the accounting line that this commodity line references
RX Document Commodity Details Enter the quantity with two decimal places
RX Document Commodity Details Enter a valid unit code from the UNIT table
RX Document Commodity Details Enter the cost per unit with two decimal places
RX Document Commodity Details Enter a description of the goods being ordered up to 60 characters
RX: Commodity Descriptions For blanket orders, the description field must be entered in the following format: FY## (FY14) blanket for XXX (description) For all other orders, enter the description of goods or services up to 60 characters
RX: Additional Description If a description is too long to fit on the description line, an additional description can be added Additional descriptions can be added to each Commodity Line
RX: Additional Description On the Commodity Details page, type “Y” in the Text field In the Function field, enter “TEXT” and press Enter
RX: Additional Description Verify the RX Transaction ID and the Commodity Line number
RX: Additional Description Enter “A” in the Action field and any additional text in the Text section, leave Text Line blank
RX: Additional Description Press Enter to save the text, verify the message “All Lines Added” appears
RX: Additional Description After the lines have been saved, return to the RX to finish the document Enter “E” in the Function field and Enter Press the F3 key
RX Document Those lines complete the required fields for the Commodity Details section Edit the document to validate all entries and check for errors Enter “ED” in the Function field and Enter Press the F7 key
RX Document After Editing, the RX will populate the vendor details, totals, and account information
RX Document The Commodity Details has updated with document totals by line and the tax amount
RX Document After the document is cleared to PEND1 status, Approve and Run the RX The RX will be reviewed by Purchasing who will create a PC (Purchase Order) The requesting department should receive a copy of the PC within 7-10 days to the mail code on the RX
RX Modifications Modifications can be made to the RX document to adjust the unit cost or quantity The RX must have been accepted in Advantage Only one modification can be made on a document per day Increases and decreases cannot be done on the same document at the same time
RX Modifications In order to process a RX modification, the following information is needed: Original RX number Vendor code Amount of increase or decrease If the RX is closed Freight charges Commodity and accounting line numbers
RX Modifications Once the RX is accepted in Advantage, open tables are updated ORQH – Open RX Header Inquiry ORQC – Open RX Commodity Line Inquiry ORQL – Open Requisition Acct Line Inquiry These tables can be used to find information related to the original RX