Dox-induced expression of Axin inhibits maturation of the mammary gland. Dox-induced expression of Axin inhibits maturation of the mammary gland. (A) In a pup born to a control female (left) the stomach filled with milk is clearly visible (arrowhead). In two pups born to a female DDTg mouse (center and right) no milk was visible in the stomachs. (B and C) Hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections of mouse mammary glands at 2 d postpartum. In a control mouse (B), the lobulo-alveoli were fully developed and lactation effects were seen. In a DDTg mouse at 2 d postpartum (C), there was hypoplastic development of lobulo-alveoli with very little lactation. (D) Immunoblot analyses showed the expression of casein, a marker for terminally differentiated mammary epithelium, in mammary glands at various developmental stages (lane 1, 2-mo-old virgin; lane 2, 9.5 dpc; lane 3, 16.5 dpc). K14 was also analyzed as a control for epithelial cell content of the mammary glands. Bars, 250 μm. Wei Hsu et al. J Cell Biol 2001;155:1055-1064 © 2001 Rockefeller University Press