OASIS OCPP TC Inaugural Meeting agenda Welcome to everyone Election of chair Welcome to OASIS - Introduction to the OASIS way of working Proposal for additional roles: secretary, technical editors and IEC liaison High Level Schedule (sep 16-oct 17) Document and RFC submission plan (OCPP v1.6 and all RFC ideas from OCA) Call for content: who wants to add other topics/remarks? Scheduling of F2F (3 day technical workshops to get acquainted and walk through RFCs) AOB 09/07/16
1. Welcome to everyone! We have a very large TC group: 39 persons at the start! Please briefly introduce yourself and your company, your experience with EV/protocols, and tell us what you hope to achieve with our TC! 09/07/16
2. Election of Chair 09/07/16
3. Welcome to OASIS - Introduction to the OASIS way of working Chet has prepared some slides 09/07/16
4. Proposal for additional roles: secretary, technical editors and IEC liaison Publish the minutes of meeting, maintain the TC roster of members and voting members, schedule meetings, edit action items Technical Editors Coordinate technical contributions and discussions, coordinate editing of documents IEC liaison Participate in IEC TC meetings and OASIS TC meetings, provide information to either and assist the Technical Editor in aligning the IEC and OASIS standards. 09/07/16
5. High Level Schedule proposal (sep 16-oct 17) 09/07/16
6. Document and RFC submission plan (OCPP v1 6. Document and RFC submission plan (OCPP v1.6 and all RFC ideas from OCA) OCA would like to contribute it’s documentation to the OASIS TC to start with OCPP 1.6 – restructured version (‘OCPP 1.6.1’) RFC Security RFC Device Model RFC ‘improvements’ RFC 15118 alignment (ISO/IEC EVSE to EV protocol) List of RFC proposals (such as ‘law enforcement’, ‘car sharing’, ‘amendment Service Mode’; ‘Language’; ‘Binary Transport protocol’; ‘Non Authorized reason’; ‘Authorization options’; ‘Option Queuing of messages’; ‘Time’; ‘message Extension’; Mark Off line Transactions’; ‘Bay Occupancy detector’; ‘Message’; ‘Tariff and Pricing’) OCA will upload everything on the OASIS TC website for everybody to have a look at 09/07/16
7. Call for content: who wants to add other topics/remarks? Please share what you want to be included or changed in the next version of OCPP We’ll set up a format to help you explain your ideas You can upload anything on the OASIS TC website for everybody to have a look at 09/07/16
8. Scheduling of our first F2F meeting 3 day technical workshop 12/13/14 October Goal get acquainted with everybody go through the submitted documentation, RFC’s and draft the scope Start work on the RFC’s (f.i. RFC security) Location depending on majority vote! (we’ll send round a doodle) Los Angeles (hosted by Greenlots) Paris (hosted by G2Mobility) Amsterdam (hosted by Elaad) 09/07/16
9. AOB Recent name change of the TC IEC NWIP to start work on a standard for EV charging equipment data exchange will be submitted this fall – in close cooperation, alignment and agreement with many OASIS TC members (Elaad, OCA, Schneider) …. 09/07/16