8Y 12-10-2015 Thursday Reconstruction Objective: Evaluate the success and impact of Reconstruction on the United States. Agenda: Do Now: Continue working on your Reconstruction Comprehension Questions. Today is the last class day you’ll have to work on it. I would like us to start working on the debates during the second half of class.
Debate: Was Reconstruction a success? Yes No Sam Nick Charlie Jordan Bobby Anghom Ali Bridget Assign at least: 2 people to comb through section 1 for yes and no evidence 2 people to do the same for section 2 3 people for section 3 Andrew Reid Gabe Jack Patrick Annie Colette Nicole JUDGES Niamh, Noah, Isaac, Mitchel, Matt Know the arguments for each side. Use today to research. Tomorrow you will observe the different groups and give specific grades for team work and work ethics.
How to craft an argument You will get multiple points for being able to accurately speak about key terms and people in a relevant way that will be helpful to your argument. For example: “Reconstruction was a failure because Johnson as a president pardoned the same wealthy southerners who wanted to maintain their power. This eventually led to the Southern governments passing the Black Codes…..(continue to talk with more details about the black codes and who the Southern governments are)
Format Alternating rounds of 3-5 minutes each and5-10 minute work times in between. More specific information and rubric will come tomorrow.