Our Goals and What We Plan to Do to Reach Them DHS ACIP for 2015/16 Our Goals and What We Plan to Do to Reach Them
District Goals Engage and Empower the learner through high quality K-12 aligned College and Career Ready Standards, instruction and assessment for all core content areas Prepare and support teachers to graduate College and Career Ready students Provide digital tools and resources to all educators and students Prepare and support students through student support services
Local School Goal Reduce the number of course failures among 9th grade students This goal will be monitored at part of our new school report card under the new PLAN 2020
What resources will we use? Total Title I Funds Received: $202,387 Parenting Allocation - $4,012 (included in above) Total Title II Funds Received: $10,000 (limited to teacher professional development) State and Local Allocations
How will we spend the money? After School Tutoring – Math, Sr. Project, ACT (in Spring), Computer Lab - $9,000 Technology Purchases – over $18,000 Computer Software for AP Stats - $1,200 Turn-it-in.com - $4,500 Classroom & Student Supplies – over $6,000
How will we spend the money? Copier Services - $26,000 Professional Development - $10,760 Postage - $3,000 IB Fee – over $11,000 Substitute Teachers - $2,900 Facilitator and Retract Aide –$104,000
Strategies to Meet Goals After School Tutoring Credit Recovery College Test Prep Classes Senior Project Digital Literacy Training/Implementation At-Risk Student Training PST Cycle of Instruction CFA 2.0 (Comprehensive Formative Assessments) Attendance/Truancy Monitoring
What can you do? Get Involved Contact David Holland – Title I Facilitator at jholland1@mcpss.com with questions or comments Contact any Guidance Counselor for parent involvement information ASK QUESTIONS at meetings Monitor you student grades and reach out to teachers with questions or concerns