Topics in English Grammar John Corbett: USP-CAPES International Fellow Session 1: Introduction
Today’s session Course aims & structure. Course delivery Assessment Learning log Class Tests 1&2 Final essay What do you already know? Today’s session
Esta disciplina busca oferecer aos alunos um aprimoramento do conhecimento da gramática da língua inglesa, com foco em uma abordagem teórica específica. A escolha da abordagem teórica poderá variar a cada edição da disciplina, dentre as seguintes: gramática estrutural, funcional, sistêmico-funcional ou cognitiva. Dessa forma, a disciplina busca expandir a competência gramatical dos alunos, a partir da descrição e análise de aspectos sintáticos da língua inglesa e da reflexão sobre a relação entre gramática e expressão linguística. Tal competência é necessária para o futuro profissional que lida com conteúdos gramaticais na sua prática docente. Course aims
A survey course Session Contents 1 Course introduction, aims and expectations 2 Review of your Knowledge of Grammatical Analysis 3 Intro to Systemic Functional Grammar 4 Function in Systemic Grammar 5 System in Systemic Functional Grammar 6 Class Test 1 A survey course
A survey course Session Contents 7 Immediate Constituent Analysis 8 Generative Grammar 9 X-Bar Theory 10 Movements in Generative Grammar 11 Universal Grammar 12 Class Test 2 13 Data Driven Grammar 14 Cognitive Grammar 15 Review/Essay preparation A survey course
To understand the reasons why grammatical models look like they do? To make an informed decision about which grammatical model you choose. Why a survey course?
Learning log (at least four entries, one per week) – ungraded (8) 2 Class Tests – graded (6) 1 Final Essay – graded (6) Assessment
Topics in Grammar – A Workbook Weekly readings In-class activities Further resources Final essay question Resources on moodle
Review activities Paradigmatic relations Which of the following are prepositions and which are adverbs, and which can be both? How can your knowledge of paradigmatic relations help you decide this? out outwards quickly in over fast now at Review activities Paradigmatic relations
Review activities Paradigmatic relations Using similar ‘grammatical tests’, decide which of the following are prepositions and which are conjunctions: if up although over because in that in Review activities Paradigmatic relations
Review activities Syntagmatic relations Can you think of a syntagmatic test which can help you to distinguish the following adverbs and conjunctions? Which can be either? however but furthermore unless besides Review activities Syntagmatic relations
Review activities: Phrase structure Identify the phrase structure of the following by marking the phrases with round brackets. Label the phrases only. For example: M M H (that beautiful woman) NP d Aj N a) a man b) a loud-voiced man c) a very loud-voiced man d) A very loud-voiced man is calling for you because he wants to take you away in his big, flashy automobile. e) Don’t let him! Review activities: Phrase structure
Review activities: Clause structure Identify the clause structure (SPOCA) of the sentences given below. First, identify the phrases and then figure out how they relate to each other. Then try to devise some sentences of your own to illustrate the SPOCA labels. a) They seemed friendly. b) They rode over the hill. c) Then they disappeared. d) Some gave presents. e) Others gave us gifts. Review activities: Clause structure
Homework: Learning Log This course sets off from the assumption that you are already familiar with the content we have covered today. However, just to make sure, we will continue to review some of these basic assumptions in the coming week. Come ready with questions if you have doubts! In your first learning log on moodle, analyse the structure of one or two complex sentences like the following – or identify an area of analysis that you find difficult. How easy/difficult do you find this kind of analysis? She ran to the bedroom and forced the window open. She pulled the children close to protect them from the flames. Homework: Learning Log
jcorbett@usp. br Office hours: 11 am-12 noon Thurs 6. 30-7 Office hours: 11 am-12 noon Thurs 6.30-7.30 pm Thurs Stella Tagnin’s office in DLM Thanks!