KFA10 status 03/06/2019 Currently: Pumping – ion pumps OK, TPG connected SF6 circuit finished, HV cables connected – leak test on-going HV this week
MKDV PFN and Switches status 03/06/2019 – VS, PvT, EC, LD Present test conditions: Magnet conditioning long pulse 38 kV Actions from sbdsPTM vs. nPTM review Produce two new sbdsPTM pre-series units in production Optimise nPTM triggering circuit impedance Done Define equivalent operation voltage for same SEB rate Done Reduce IPOC measurement noise at the beginning of the pulse Done Acquire rise time vs voltage/energy with PTM voltage 3.5 kV Done Acquire rise time vs voltage/energy with PTM voltage 3.7 kV Done PFN front-cell optimisation ready, this week Install VRD resistors + cards ready, this week Perform comparative eScan for both type of PTMs (06/2019) not ready (waiting sbdsPTM)