LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY FOR STREAMLINED RESIDENCY Elena Herron Chappelle & Heather Peterson RMACRAO | July 18, 2019
ROAD MAP Identification of the Problem & Critical Questions Intentional Technology Integration Designing an Initial Residency Verification Form Defining an Algorithm & Integration
Old Process Map
ASKING CRITICAL QUESTIONS How do we make residency more student-centered? How does this touch the business processes of other departments? Can we create a basic scoring system to make easy decisions? How can we leverage data validation to encourage accurate responses? What pieces of data can be automatically fed from the form into the student record? How can we make sure this images to student record without manual work? Does legal counsel approve? Did you get the project on the Information Technology department list?
Creating a New Tuition Classification Process MAPPING EXISTING Process engaging stakeholder feedback Designing an ideal FORM & workflow Our form does not exist in a vaccuum. There has to be a solid workflow in place both technologically and otherwise.
Creating a New Tuition Classification Process MAPPING EXISTING Process engaging stakeholder feedback Designing an ideal workflow
CORE CONCEPT MAP Algorithm Automation System Integration IF/THEN Logic System Integration Data Validation
Designing AN Initial Residency Verification Form At CU Anschutz Tuition Classification is all completed by the Office of the Registrar 100% of students are required to complete an Initial Verification of Residency Form The new electronic form is accessible only to students who are provided with link OnBase Form allows for custom action logic
STEP 1: IDENTIFYING THE STUDENT Elements Needed for Search Match Full Name Address Age (DOB) Elements Needed for Data Integration Academic Program Intended Start Term Elements Needed for Residency Verification Citizenship Age (DOB) Marital Status Intended Start Term Elements Needed for Communication Email Address
FIRST PIECE OF COMPLEX LOGIC DETERMINING EMANCIPATION Use program drop down menu response to identify term start date Term start date can be used to calculate age on first day of class IF student is 22 or younger THEN page 2 of the form will require parent information
FIRST PIECE OF COMPLEX LOGIC DETERMINING EMANCIPATION Use program drop down menu response to identify term start date Term start date can be used to calculate age on first day of class IF student is 22 or younger THEN page 2 of the form will require parent information
STEP 2: SIMPLE IF/THEN LOGIC IF student does not claim to be a Colorado Resident THEN the form moves directly to disclosure, signature, and close. IF student claims Colorado Resident status THEN the form will continue to further pages with verification questions. This is the simplest logic available. CU Denver was already leveraging this capability with Slate. Many schools with online forms for residency are probably at least doing this much. If a student tells us they are NOT a resident then all we need to do is display a disclosure and collect a signature. No other actions should really be required. In our form it simply determines where students move after the first page.
Other IF/THEN Screening Questions In version 2.0 of our form we are going to bring this military status question to the first page. That way we can capture more students up front who may be eligible for resident tuition rates.
Other IF/THEN Screening Questions Military Status WICHE Eligible Students Citizenship In version 2.0 of our form we are going to bring this military status question to the first page. That way we can capture more students up front who may be eligible for resident tuition rates.
FIELDS WITH DATA VERIFICATION Address/State/Zip Code Social Security Number Colorado Driver’s License Number Colorado License Plate Number All Date Fields
Disclosure and Electronic Signatures
Defining the Algorithm The algorithm scores a student based on responses ONLY students claiming residency have the algorithm applied The algorithm can be overwritten by any of the auto-Under Review responses (these students are NOT coded with a residency and a flagged for further review) Most of us use algorithms everyday. If you type anything into a search engine you are utilizing an algorithm, albeit one that is much more complex than the one we are going to talk about specifically in terms of this form. Our algorithm for residency was developed and tested by us
Automatically flagged for Review Any YES answer to a military active duty or veteran question Mailing or permanent address outside of CO Taxes paid in another state within the past year Absence of 12 months or more from the state Under 23 and married Noncitizens who indicate an eligible visa type
Automatically flagged for Review
Scoring the Algorithm Highest Scoring Elements: Dates of Residency – 1 year or more continuously prior to start date Individual Income Taxes filed in CO in most recent year CO real residential property ownership Mid-Scoring Elements CO driver’s license CO vehicle registration CO voter registration CO high school graduation
Scoring the Algorithm Negative Scoring Elements Less than 1 year of continuous physical presence in CO Failure to file CO individual income tax IF taxes filed in another state Non-Scoring Elements CO employment Maintenance of home outside of CO
Score Category Action -2 to 2 Nonresident Coded as Nonresident in Peoplesoft, student receives automatic email communication with petition instructions and link. 3 to 6 Under Review Coded as Under Review in Peoplesoft, student receives notification that a decision will be forthcoming or more information may be needed, form appears in workflow queue for TCO to review. 7 + Resident Coded as Resident in Peoplesoft, student receives automatic email communication.
Items to run by Your IT Crowd When/How often can resources be allocated for development and future maintenance? Behind portal/SSO or link Integration of Data (can these systems talk the way you want) Load Balancing on Server Managing a Go Live Version 2.0
WARNING: ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL Our algorithm was tested on randomized populations from each of the 10 admissions pools. Office of the Registrar engaged in months of testing on each population. This testing helped us fine-tune an algorithmic score for graduate/professional medical population. Things I might do differently for a largely undergraduate population: I would give much more weight to Colorado High School graduation certainly.
Thank You! ELENA HERRON CHAPPELLE TUITION CLASSIFICATION COORDINATOR Elena.Chappelle@CUANSCHUTZ.edu (303) 724-8054 Heather Peterson CU ANSCHUTZ campus registrar Heather.l.Peterson@cuanschutz.edu (303) 724-8054