Must microbiome is correlated with the wine metabolome. Must microbiome is correlated with the wine metabolome. Shown are the results from multifactorial analysis (MFA) of must microbiome and wine metabolome profiles of Chardonnay (A to D) and Cabernet Sauvignon (E to G). (A and E) An MFA sample ordination plot demonstrates regional and vineyard segregation of Chardonnay (A) and Cabernet Sauvignon (E). (B and F) A partial-axis MFA plot illustrates category correspondence between metabolite (orange), bacterial (blue), and fungal (red) subcategory coordinates. Partial mean individuals (means of sample ordination for bacterial, fungal, or metabolite profiles) are linked to the subcategory common mean (centroid of all samples for a given region of origin). (C and G) MFA group representations illustrate the relationship between bacterial, fungal, and metabolite profiles with wine origin (region and vineyard). (D) An MFA correlation circle depicts correlations in normalized abundance between all Chardonnay must bacterial taxa (blue), fungal taxa (red), and wine metabolites (orange) along the MFA axes. Metabolite nominal masses are used for clarity; accurate masses are provided in Table S5 in the supplemental material. To improve readability of the plots, only the top correlations in each dimension are shown. Nicholas A. Bokulich et al. mBio 2016; doi:10.1128/mBio.00631-16