In WW1 the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany, and lost European Nations Take Over
Most of the region was divided up by Britain and France A mandate is a country placed in control of another power by international agreement European Nations Take Over
Great Britain controlled Palestine, an Arab region Jews had lived their 2000 years earlier Conflict Over Palestine
Many Jews were left homeless after WW2 and began migrating to Palestine Conflict Over Palestine
Palestine Arabs were worried about their homeland becoming a Jewish state Great Britain asked the UN to solve the problem Conflict Over Palestine
In 1947, the UN planned to divide Palestine into 2 parts Conflict Over Palestine
Jews accepted the plan, but Arabs did not Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon immediately declared war on Israel, the Jewish state Conflict Over Palestine
Israel won the first Arab-Israeli War and 700,000 Arabs had lost their homes In 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded. Conflict Over Palestine
Israel won the first Arab- Israeli War and 700,000 Arabs had lost their homes In 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded. Conflict Over Palestine
There were many wars over the years, and territories passed back and forth Conflict Over Palestine
1979: Egypt became the first Arab country to make peace with Israel Conflict Over Palestine
1979: Egypt became the first Arab country to make peace with Israel Conflict Over Palestine
The PLO tried to rebel, but in 1993, they signed and agreement with Israel Recognized Israel’s right to exist, and Israel returned some land to Palestine Conflict Over Palestine
Several Palestinian uprisings have occurred since Conflict Over Palestine
Islam has 2 sects, or groups 1.Sunni 2.Shi’a Ethnic Conflict
Iraqis are mostly Arabs Iranians are mostly Persians Iran (Shi’a) and Iraq (Sunni) have had conflicts Ethnic Conflict
20 million Kurds live in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria They want their own country Ethnic Conflict
Muslim fundamentalist believe Islam should be stickily followed In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini took over Iran Ethnic Conflict
Fundamentalists have had conflicts with others with less strict beliefs Ethnic Conflict
Iran and Iraq fought over the oil-rich land between them Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded Iran Wars in the Region
In 1980, Iraq invaded Kuwait The UN imposed a trade embargo on Iraq Wars in the Region
In 1991, the US and other countries invaded Iraq Called the Persian Gulf War Wars in the Region
Iraq left Kuwait, but Saddam Hussein stayed in power The UN embargo also stayed Wars in the Region
By 2000, George W. Bush, believed that Hussein was hiding dangerous weapons In 2003, The US, Britain, and other countries invaded Iraq Wars in the Region
Hussein was captured Dangerous weapons were never found Wars in the Region
The US helped Iraqis form a new government in 2006 Many Iraqis did not approve and are still fighting the American presence in Iraq Rebuilding Iraq