Predicting Post-Transplant Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy: The Importance of Crescents Avasare et al. Am J Nephrol 2017;45:99-106 (DOI:10.1159/000453081) Table 1. Baseline characteristics prior to renal transplantation
Predicting Post-Transplant Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy: The Importance of Crescents Avasare et al. Am J Nephrol 2017;45:99-106 (DOI:10.1159/000453081) Fig. 1. Percentage of open glomeruli with cellular or fibrocellular crescents among patients with post-transplant recurrent IgAN (closed circles) and those without recurrent IgAN (open circles).
Predicting Post-Transplant Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy: The Importance of Crescents Avasare et al. Am J Nephrol 2017;45:99-106 (DOI:10.1159/000453081) Table 2. Transplant and post-transplant characteristics
Predicting Post-Transplant Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy: The Importance of Crescents Avasare et al. Am J Nephrol 2017;45:99-106 (DOI:10.1159/000453081) Table 3. Univariable cox proportional hazards for time from transplant to diagnosis of recurrent IgAN
Predicting Post-Transplant Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy: The Importance of Crescents Avasare et al. Am J Nephrol 2017;45:99-106 (DOI:10.1159/000453081) Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier curves are shown comparing subjects with <10 vs. ≥10% crescents on native biopsy, for the primary outcome of time to recurrent IgAN post-transplant (a) and the secondary composite outcome of doubling creatinine post-transplant or allograft failure (b).