hominids-leave-africa.php Good website: hominids-leave-africa.php
Early Humans Students will be able to identify the causes and effects of the ways early humans lived their lives by analyzing a video about early humans
Warm Up: Where do we get our food? Explain how do you think this is different from the way people got food 1,000 years ago?
Homework: Review for your exam.
No trips to Key Food Early Humans were hunter gathers. Hunter-gatherer: a person or group of people who survive by hunting or searching for food.
Turn and talk What is a problem with hunting and gathering food?
Sometimes there is no food Weather changes so plants die. Food sources become scarce and animals die out or migrate to another area. Turn and talk: Using the context clues from the above statement what do you think it means to migrate?
Moving around Migrate: move between habitats: to move from one habitat or environment to another in response to seasonal changes and variations in food supply
The original natural resources Early humans did not have supermarkets, sporting good stores and/or clothing stores. They had to rely on natural resources in order to make what they needed.
Work Time: All groups watch the video and answer the questions assigned to your group. Group A Group B Group C Identify three ways the planet has changed over time. Categorize information into two groups Create a diary depicting the day in the life of a hominid. Site specific details how your life was.
Group A Group B Group C What natural resources did early humans use to live this lives? What was the main reasons why early humans migrated? List the other reasons why early humans migrated. Using context clues create a definition for the term hominid. Using the map identify at least one pattern of migration. Summarize a day in the life of a hominid. Create a diary depicting the day in the life of a hominid. Site specific details how your life was.