STK11/LKB1 genetic alterations are associated with shorter progression-free and overall survival with PD-1 blockade among KRAS-mutant LUAC in the SU2C cohort. STK11/LKB1 genetic alterations are associated with shorter progression-free and overall survival with PD-1 blockade among KRAS-mutant LUAC in the SU2C cohort. A, Kaplan–Meier estimates of progression-free survival with PD-1 blockade in the KL, KP, K-only subgroups (left) and in the two-group comparison between KRASMUT;STK11/LKB1MUT (KL) and KRASMUT;STK11/LKB1WT LUAC (encompassing KP and K-only tumors; right). Tick marks represent data censored at the last time the patient was known to be alive and without disease progression (date of last radiologic assessment). mPFS, median progression-free survival. B, Kaplan–Meier estimates of overall survival with PD-1 inhibitors in the KL, KP, K-only subgroups (left) and in the two-group comparison between KRASMUT;STK11MUT (KL) and KRASMUT;STK11/LKB1WT tumors (right). Tick marks represent data censored at the last time the patient was known to be alive. mOS, median overall survival. Ferdinandos Skoulidis et al. Cancer Discov 2018;8:822-835 ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research